Hi! Today I’ll tell you about the Moose Island. I haven’t been there, but I really want to visit this place. In the photo you can see the entrance to Moose Island.
Where it is?
This place is located in the Russia, near Moscow. Moose Island is very big!
When is the best time to visit this place?
I want to visit Moose Island in summer, or winter, because I don’t like it when it’s rainy and dirty.
What are animals there like?
There are many varieties of animals in this place.
In the Moose Island you can meet :
moose 🫎, foxes 🦊, squirrels 🐿️, and many other animals.
What can you do here?
In Moose Island you can feed the animals, watch the birds, and walk a barefoot trail. And just enjoy the beautiful scenery!
What the climate is like?
On this place the climate is quite warm. In summer, it’s usually +18 here. lowest temperature - in January (-10) and the highest - in July (+20.)
Why it is national park?
Moose Island - is the largest forest area in Moscow and the largest among the forests.
And also Moose Island a national park because a long time this place was a reserve.
But now everyone can visit this beautiful place!
Thanks for your attention!