Hi today I want to tell you about asteroid attack.
Asteroid attack is a dangerous phenomenon that may be beadly for the whole planet. These days people know some huge asteroids that destroyed a lot of buildings and trees.
For example Tunguska asteroid, that landed earth on June 30, 1908 in Irkutsk. In morning there was a seismic activity but people weren't scared — this was normal. However, later there was a "fireball" on the sky that destroyed more than 2000 metres of trees!
Scientists said that the area of fallen trees was like the size of Moscow and the power of asteroid was at least like power of the hydrogen bomb!
Tunguska asteroid fell in the area of the Podkamennaya River and killed from 10 to 30 people. And in nearest countries people saw luminous clouds for some days.
Material damage isn't known because of a little information about that phenomenon.
But scientists also think that asteroid didn't fall because no one had found the crater. But they found a lake which wasn't as normal shape as other lakes and that wasn't on maps.
People got some hypothesis like: it was Tesla's experiment, the comet and some others but none have been proven.
"Tunguska phenomenon" is a mystery of humanity that may be explained in future.
But what we should do if an asteroid falls one day to earth?
NASA got some ways to destroy an asteroid, for example put a bomb in it while it's in space or change a trajectory of the slide. Also they may use a space probe to study asteroid's structure and composition to find a better way to destroy a threat.
But if asteroid isn't destroyed in space, it will be difficult for people to survive — asteroid will destroy everything! So the best way is going to the bunker and take things only that you need include babies and pets.
And if you want to see, what may be with Earth — watch these videos.