💌Подписывайся на мою группу в ТГ, там я публикую ответы
1. Add the missing word in sentence: "I cancelled our appointment ... as not to feel bad there"
2. Add the missing word in sentence: "I got divorced in order ... feel more freedom"
3. Add the missing word in sentence: "I quit my job due ... the fact that it was too stressful"
4. Add the missing word in sentence: "... order to come there on time, we need to hurry"
5. Add the missing word in sentence: "Put your clothes ... , we are about to go out"
6. Add the missing word in sentence: "She is working a lot ... as not to be poor"
7. Add the missing word in sentence: "That is the girl ... mother is my teacher"
8. Add the missing word in sentence: "We were late ... of the fact that we got into a traffic jam"
9. Add the missing word in sentence: "You are so unkind to your sister, why are you putting her ... like that?"
10. Add the missing word in sentence: "You have to respect yourself, never put up ... that!"
11. Add the missing word in sentence: "You should take this medicine twice a day ... get better"
12. Adjectives reliable, accurate, decisive, punctual and flexible are used to talk about ... characteristics of an employee
13. Adobe After Effects предназначена для (выбрать наиболее верный ответ):
14. ... AE has been ported to leading high-availability CompactPCI platforms such as the CPX8000 from Motorola Computer Group
15. After a long period of depression Mike made ... himself
16. After the new equipment ... to the audience the conference started.
17. After they ... they cleared the table.
18. Agency of necessity can arise on condition that ...
19. Agile-манифест - главный документ всех "гибких" подходов к разработке - был создан в ...
20. AGILE нежелательно использовать в ситуациях, когда...
21. Agile нежелательно использовать в ситуациях, когда
22. Agile - это
23. Agile - это...
24. AIDCA conviction-Это?
25. AIDCA conviction - это?
26. ... aims to promote the widest-possible mutual assistance between criminal police forces and to establish and develop institutions likely to contribute to the prevention and suppression of international crime
27. Alex ... make many international phone calls.
28. All areas in the restaurant must be kept ... clean.
29. All in all, the internet is here to stay and whether it ... our life is up to us.
30. ... all the students from your group invited to the conference last month.
31. ... allow such terrible actions to happen again
32. Allowing water to escape from reservoirs is a tort affecting ...
33. Although the period that we call "the Renaissance" ... in Italy in the fourteenth century, this idea of rebirth in learning characterized other epochs in history in different parts of the world.
34. Although the sun was shining, it was still cold, because it ... hard for two hours.
35. Alvin made its first dive in...
36. Am Meer ist ... jetzt schon ganz warm. ... kann schon baden
37. America is in an unremitting state of trauma. ;(Listen to the record and choose: true or false.)
38. An assistant waiter who clears away dirty plates and cutlery, offers bread and water to guests
39. An author-level metric that attempts to measurable both the productivity and citation impact of the publications of a scientist is called ...
40. An employer must make a redundancy payment to an employee who has been employed ...
41. An interesting problem ... at the conference tomorrow.
42. An inventory is also one of the methods for preventing ... from the restaurant's supplies.
43. An ... is a person conducting oral examination of the candidate for employment and making the decision of his/her possible job placement for the company
44. An issue form is usually signed both by the steward and the individual who ... them.
45. An official, formal meeting of a company's directors is called
46. An unincorporated business that has just one owner who pays personal income tax on profits earned from the business is called ... proprietorship
47. ... and supervision of consumer protection by Rospotrebnadzor acting pursuant to its Regulations approved by Resolution of the Russian Government
48. And then because you've felt that satisfaction, you're more motivated to do the actual hard work necessary. (Listen to the record record and choose: true or false.)
49. And what ... now?
50. Andres: ... Viral videos can be very effective.
51. Ann decided ... to university
52. Ann: "Jenny is at school". Ann said that Jenny ... at home.
53. Ann ... three books so far
54. Another category, which can be bought in bulk, consists of ... foods.
55. ANOVA был разработан ... специально для анализа результатов исследования.
56. ANOVA с повторными изменениями применяется, когда ... по внутригрупповому плану.
57. Any ... must have good knowledge of food, market conditions and the capabilities of the kitchen and the stuff.
58. Any time you have a goal, there are some steps that need to be done (Listen to the record record and choose: true or false.)
59. Anya: Lydia, what do you think?Lydia: ...
60. Anya: ...Mona: Why?Anya: Because of the budget cuts.
61. Anya: OK, it's ten o'clock and everyone's here. ...
62. anything that interferes with the reciever understanding the message is called___________________
63. Apa has been called the "Super Sherpa" for...
64. Apart from Rospotrebnadzor, protection of ... rights in Russia is also conducted by municipal authorities that review applications from consumers, give necessary consultations and apply to courts to protect consumers
65. apple
66. Archaism proper are...
67. Archaisms are...
68. ... are made for program logic and for computer memory
69. ... are only used to hold inmates for a relatively short period of time, usually while they await their trial or sentencing
70. ... are regarded as a "legal personality"
71. ... are responsible for ensuring product safety and to control the protection of human rights
72. Are they ... doctors?
73. "Are you enjoying your job?" My dad asked me if I ... my job
74. ARIS Express - это ...
75. Arrange chronologically according to the establishment date:
76. Arrange the commercial courts according to their hierarchy:
77. Arrange the commercial courts in Russia according to their hierarchy (start from the lowest ones):
78. Arrange the computers in chronological order of their creation:
79. Arrange the events chronologically:
80. Arrange the events chronologically
81. Arrange the historical documents chronologically:
82. Arrange the historical documents chronologically starting from last to first:
83. Arrange the inventions chronologically:
84. Arrange the microelectronics in chronological order of their creation:
85. Arrange the milestone documents chronologically:
86. Arrange the milestone documents chronologically starting from last to first:
87. Arrange the needs according to Dr. Abraham Maslow starting from the basic ones:
88. Arrange the operating systems in chronological order of their release dates:
89. Arrange the operating systems in descending order of popularity in 2022 (according to website StatCounter GlobalStats):
90. Arrange the police officers according to their rank in the UK (start from the lowest rank):
91. Arrange the police officers according to their rank (start from the lowest rank):
92. Arrange the stages in the history of transistors in chronological order:
93. Arrange the stages of the development of the internet in chronological order:
94. Arrange the units of measurement of the data in ascending order:
95. Arrange the values according to the theory of values by Max Scheler starting from the basic values:
96. As a member of a profession dedicated to the service of clients, a ... should be committed to the values
97. assignment
98. At 10 o'clock in the morning on Wednesday Tom ...
99. At first I didn1t like my wife`s soup, but in the end I ... it
100. At half past seven we... breakfast.
101. At last Kate came. I ... for two hours.
102. At that time, the company ... interactive software for teaching history to primary school students.
103. At the age of 62 he _______________________ early retirement.
104. At the age of 62 he - _______________________ early retirement.
105. At the lexical level stylistics studies
106. At the moment Jason ... with Ann
107. At the moment my computer ...
108. At the moment she ... her teacher
109. At the same time, remember that money is also important for you need it to survive. So, if a job is all ... but no pay, things can get difficult.
110. Attribute the following terms to the appropriate groups:
111. Attributing your feelings to another person is known as______.
112. Back Orifice - это ...
113. Banquet waiters' ... are not paid by individual diners but are included as part of the fee.
114. Banquets differ according to the ... of the event.
115. BDE - это ...
116. Beatta, this is Layla.
117. ...becomes a way of life early for Tarahumara people.
118. Before a company has to do a dangerous job, it needs to consider how dangerous the job is, and what precautions it can take. What is this called?
119. Before submitting a ... with an arbitrazh court, a party may have to comply with a pretrial claim procedure
120. Before the banquet has started the manager makes ... purchases of the products for the banquet.
121. Before you start choosing a perfect career, you need to know yourself first. But sometimes all this self-analysis leads to ..... .
122. Behaviourism is _______
123. Bell Telephone Laboratories' John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley devised the bipolar transistor in ...
124. Bell Telephone Laboratories' John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley devised the ... in 1948
125. Bell Telephone Laboratories' John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain, and William Shockley devised the ... transistor in 1948
126. Benedict Cumberbatch ... a talented actor
127. Benno arbeitet seit ... im Kaufhaus. Er arbeitet als ...
128. Benno fährt ... nach Hause
129. Benno hat ... Lotto gespielt
130. Benno isst ...
131. Benno ist nach Hause um ... gekommen
132. Benno würde am Samstag lieber ... gehen als arbeiten
133. Bezeichnet die richtige Variante der Deklination der Substantive.
134. BI-системы, представленные в виде некоторого инструментария, ...
135. Birds ... fly.
136. Black-лист - это список площадок, ...
137. ... book it this one? It is yours?
138. Books Online - это ...
139. Bosslike относится к сервисам ...
140. bread
141. ... break the law, but they also put themselves and others in unnecessary danger.
142. Brief news items (newspaper style) are characterized by
143. Burroughs converted to electronic desk ... and in the mid to late 1970s their products dropped from the market
144. ...business is the sale of goods and services to consumers, in contrast to wholesaling, which is sale to business or institutional customers
145. ... business is the sale of goods and services to consumers, in contrast to wholesaling, which is sale to business or institutional customers
146. But I ... management at university. My degree is in history.
147. But if you do not enjoy what you do then you are .. ... wasting a large part of your life.
148. Buying large quantities of food and beverages can be very ... for the catering department.
149. By "exchange rates" is meant ...
150. ... by Microware System Corporation (USA) belongs to the class of UNIX-like systems and is a highly configurable high-performance real-time system
151. ... by the end of the week?
152. By the time I am 19 I ... to thirty countries
153. By the time I finished reading the exercise I _______the answer.
154. By the time she returns from her business trip the experiment ... .
155. C++, Object Pascal, Java относятся к ...
156. C проблемой ограниченности ресурсов и необходимостью выбора сталкиваются
157. C проблемой ограниченности ресурсов и необходимостью выбора сталкиваются ...
158. CAD-системы...
159. CAD-системы...:
160. ... can be included in any legal system (chose 2 correct answers)
161. Can I have an aisle ...?
162. Can I pay ... credit card?
163. Can I speak to Jorge Ramos, please?
164. Can I take this as hand ...?
165. Can you give me a 10 per cent ... if I buy in bulk?
166. Can you give me a ... with my bag?
167. Can you recommend a hotel that has meeting rooms for hire at ... prices?
168. Can you ... what is written on the board?
169. Canned and frozen foods are ... foods because they are ready to serve with a minimum amount of preparation.
170. Capital ... is the process a business undertakes to evaluate potential major projects or investments
171. Carlo Petrini understood the dangers to...
172. Carrying on an offensive trade, obstructing the highway is ...
173. CASE-средства наиболее необходимы ...
174. CASE-средства ... уровня задействуются во всем жизненном цикле информационной системы
175. CASE-средства ... уровня считаются средствами поддержки этапов анализа требований и проектирования спецификаций и структуры программного обеспечения
176. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so ... Nick.
177. Catherine is studying law at the university, and so ...Nick.
178. Causa - это ...
179. Cell phones are digital, it was the transition to digital that made it possible to provide everyone with communication channels, but without ... in SIM cards, cellular communications could not become mass
180. Cell phones are ..., making it possible to provide everyone with communication channels
181. cereal
182. Charge carriers from both polarities are involved in the operation of ... transistors
183. CheckBox используется для ...
184. Chemical clocks are found only in being that has two cells. (Listen to the record record and choose: true or false.)
185. Choose the correct variant.All your expenses ... by the company.
186. Choose the correct variant.Euro . . . in operation for more than ten years already.
187. Choose the correct variant.I recommend ... more information about this company.
188. Choose the correct variant. If I get the preferreds, we ... the result very quickly.
189. Choose the correct variant.Listen! Somebody ... at the door.
190. Choose the correct variant.The company ... no orders lately.
191. Choose the correct variant.The director. . . five minutes ago.
192. Choose the correct variant.The work ... is quite interesting.
193. Choose the correct variant.They postponed ... shares.
194. Choose the correct variant.We'll carry on ... on this problem.
195. Choose the correct variant.When . . . our partner return to London?
196. Choose the correct variant.Yesterday our CEO meant ... to you, but he didn't have time.
197. Choose the correct variant.Если мы выпустим акции, мы спасем компанию.
198. Choose the correct variant.Завтра выпускают первую партию акций.
199. Choose the correct variant.Мы выпустили акции два года назад.
200. Choose the correct variant.Мы выпустим акции месяца через три, не раньше.