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В помощь молодому учителю. Практическая часть. Развитие лексико-грамматических навыков говорения.


Практическая часть

Для того, чтобы познакомить вас с возможностями данной "шпаргалки", предлагаю остановиться на теме "Наука. Научные достижения", изучаемую в 10х-11х классах.

Итак, начнем. Рассмотрим следующий алгоритм:

  1. введение новых ЛЕ,
  2. работа со словосочетаниями,
  3. конструирование предложений.

Part 1.

Lexical and grammar exercises.

1. A. Read the words and guess their meanings.

1. to invent

2. to train

3. to extend

4. to bear

5. to enter

6. to introduce

7. to reach out

8. to produce

9. to discover

10. to achieve

11. to initiate

12. to bridge

13. to accelerate

14. to apply

15. to innovate

16. to explore

a. to create / to design something
b. to give teaching / practice
c. to enlarge, to make longer
d. to give birth to something or somebody / to come into the world by birth
e. to come or go into something / to become a member of / to begin or open something
f. to bring in or forward / to bring into use or operation / to cause somebody to be acquainted with something
g. to stretch out / to extend / to get to / to go as far as / to pass
h. put or bring forward / to manufacture or make / to grow
i. to find out / to get acknowledged / to bring to view / to realize
j. to get done / to complete / to reach by effort / to do anything successfully
k. to set working / to give somebody instructions / to give secret knowledge
l. to join / to overcome
m. to become faster / to cause to happen earlier / to increase the speed of…
n. to ask for / to serve a purpose by doing something to concentrate one’s thoughts / to make practical use
o. to introduce new thing / to make changers / to put into practice
p. to travel into or through (the country, etc.) for the purpose of learning about it / to examine thoroughly in order to test

1. B What words can you find in the crossword?

What does the longest word in the crossword mean?

1. to give teaching

2. to do anything successfully

3. to extend

4. to examine thoroughly in order to test

5. to make practical use

6. to create

7. to join

8. to come into the world by birth

9. to bring into use or operation

10. to begin or open something

The wanted word means ‘to increase the speed of…’.


2. A. Find the difference.

1) to invent

2) invention

3) inventor

4) inventress

5) inventive

6) inventiveness

7) inventory

B. Fill in the gaps using the words from part A.

1. I.Kurchatov was one of the ….of a cyclotron.

2. A. Popov …the radio in 1895.

3. Russia is reach with … people.

4. … is a leading feature of people’s character.

5. M. Sklodowska-Curie from Polandgot her popularity as an ….who played an important role in nuclear research.

6. Writing was … practically ten thousand years ago.

7. It’s useful to have a … book.

8. In 1926 J. Baird from Scotland… a TV set.

3. A. Match the English words and their Russian equivalents.

1. to invent [in’vent] A. придумать

2. to devise [di’vaiz] B. развивать

3. to contrive [kэn’traiv] C. изобретать

4. to develop [di'velэp] D. ухитриться что-то сделать

3 B. Fill in the table.


4. A. How many English equivalents to the Russian word «прибор» do you know?

1 - something thought out, invented or adapted

2 - a set of instruments or other mechanical appliances put together on purpose

3 – apparatus, used in performing an action

4 – an invention or mechanical device

5 –an instrument or apparatus

6 – an appliance or mechanical device with parts working together to apply power, often steam or electric power

7 – machine that converts energy into power or motion or instrument

8 – working parts of a machine, structure or arrangement of parts that work together

9 - small mechanical contrivance or device

4. B. Find the words from the list in the crossword.

What word is not found?


4.C. Add the suitable noun to these adjectives.

1. scientific and technological … REVOLUTION

2. complex cybernetic …

3. nuclear …

4. highly efficient producing …

5. mighty power and nuclear …

6. automatic production …

7. major mineral …

8. the law of …

4.D. Add the suitable noun to these verbs.

5. Fill in the words from the box.

exploration, inventions, reached out, operate, discovered, created, achieved, put into operation

1. We can’t imagine our life without modern … .

2. I don’t think anybody would be surprised with space … today.

3. Do you know who … this construction?

4. Nobody knows how to … his computer, he hasn’t given us the code.

5. Columbus … America, but he didn’t explore the continent.

6. Let us see what mankind … with the help of science.

7. Spaceships … the orbits of other planets.

8. In 1954 the first atomic power station in the world was… .

6. Find the words in the chainword.


7. Make words as many as possible.

  1. de
  2. in
  3. ex
  4. dis
  5. re
  6. cover
  7. vent
  8. ion
  • plora
  • vice
  • velop
  • termine
  • volut
  • constract
  • dustri
  • al

8. Make word combinations.

Laws of …

Scientific and technological…

Complex cybernetic…


Highly efficient producing …

Mighty power and nuclear …

Automobile production …


9. Do you know these facts?

Fill in the gaps with the necessary form of the verbs:

to invent, to pioneer, to use, to know, to istablish,to introduce.

1. In 1791 optical telegraphy (… …) by Claud Chappe in France, it (… …) as semaphore.

2. In 1832 a telegraph communication (… …) in St. Petersburg by Pavel Shilling.

3. In 1839 an electric telegraph (… …) by Charles Weatstone.

4. In 1843 Samuel Morse (…) code signals.

5. In 186 the telephone (… …) by Alexander Bell in the USA.

10. Find the most suitable synonym-word for the one in the text.

Landmark Inventions of the Millennium.

The last 1,000 years have produced an incredible (1: improper/impressive

/impossible /unbelievable) number of variety of scientific and technological breakthroughs (2: advantages/advents/advances/adventures)– but which of these were the most important?

Narrowing a list of the thousands of inventions made since the year 1000to the ten greatest requires some exact (3: exaggerate/precaution/accurate/penetrating) criteria. The qualifying inventions either proved radically (4: fantastically/

fundamentally/far/further) new ways to do an important job, or they made possible tasks that were previously unimagined. Their impact (5: affect/affection/ pressure/influence) was felt, if not right away (6: instant/

instantaneously/initially/once) then eventually, by a large portion of humanity. These developments have enabled (7: made available/made away/made after/made change) significant new technological innovations and scientific discoveries. And finally, they have had an enduring (8: long-expected/long-term/long-acting/long day) effect on the world.

The inventions that meet these criteria, in chronological (9: such-and-such/suchlikesequential/ suchwise) order, are the compass, the mechanical clock, the glass lens, the printing press, the steam engine, the telegraph, electric power, wireless communication, antibiotics, and the transistor.

Missing from this list are many extremely significant technological advances, including the airplane, telephone, automobile, and computer. In many cases these inventions were omitted (10: passed down/passed for/passed for/ passed from/ passed over) because they are based on earlier developments or breakthroughs.

11. Can you understand these sentences?

Match the first part of each sentence to the second one.

1. Science is important to world peace and understanding,

2. A lot of scientific researches have

3. The problem of supplying the world with enough energy

4. Many of the things that make our life easier and better

5. Technology will affect us even more

6. The study of science provides people with

7. Scientists are studying various aspects of human biology

8. The study of the natural world may help to improve life

9. A basic knowledge of science

10. Scientific knowledge helps people to find

  • are the results of advances in technology.
  • in the future that it does now.
  • improved life for people.
  • is the most important scientific problem for the mankind.
  • and the origin and development of the human race.
  • for many people all over the word
  • to the understanding of technology, and understanding of the world.
  • is essential for everyone.
  • their way in the changing world.
  • understanding of natural worlds.

12. Read the story about one of the greatest physicists of the world. Put the verbs to the necessary grammar tense.

Pierre Curie, a great physicist

On April 19, 1906, the scientists of all countries (to shock) at the news of Pierre Curie having become the victim of road accident. Since then the importance of Curie’s discoveries (to grow) to an immeasurable extent, his findings (to include) in all physics text books throughout the world. They (to know) to have become the foundation for several branches of industry and, first and foremost, the atomic industry. This is why scientists and public opinion as a whole both in the Soviet Unionand throughout the world honour the memory of this remarkable French scientist.

Pierre Curie, the son of a doctor of moderate means, ( to be born) on May 15, 1859. His father, who took interest in natural sciences, (to exercise) a great influence on the choice of his son’s future career. At the age of 18 the talented youth (to start) work as a laboratory assistant at the Sorbonne University. In 1895 he was already a well known scientist with a doctor’s degree. It was then that he (to marry) his colleague Marie Sclodowska, who (to be) to become his scientific associate. Their joint work in the study of radioactivity which (to lead) to the discovery of radium widely (to know) all the world over. In 1904 they both (to award) the Nobel prize which was at that time the highest scientific recognition.

Pierre Curie’s principal work (to be) in the fields of electricity, magnetism and radioactivity, his first studies being on physics of crystals and on piezoelectricity. At the time his remarkable discoveries in this branch of science(to make) , the very term “physics of crystals” was yet unknown. Pierre Curie (to establish) a direct connection between the symmetry of crystals and their physical properties, which resulted in the discovery of piezoelectric properties of crystals. This discovery (to open) a way to an extremely wide field of technique and (to enable) scientists to transform mechanical forces into electrical ones and vice versa. Underwater and atmospheric sound emitters now (to base) on piezoelectrical transformer.

Soviet scientists (to achieve) great success in this field, the application of ultra-waves for the detector of flaws in metals and the work on a new piezoelectric material – titanate of barium – being of particular interest.

The joint work of Pierre Curie and his wife Marie Sclodowska in the field of radioactivity now (to lead) to the discovery of methods for using atomic energy for peaceful purposes. This is the great service the two scientists (to render) to science and mankind as a whole.

13. А. Give English equivalents to these words.

1) научно-техническая революция

2) компьютер

3) ядерная энергия

4) законы природы

5) выдать новую идею

6) сделать открытие

7) впервые использовать что-либо

8) выйти в космос

9) создать машину

10) заставить ядерную энергию работать на человека

11) сделать вклад в науку

12) внедрить использование лазерных технологий

13) производить новые виды компьютеров

14) достичь видимых результатов

B. Make up your own sentences with these words. Check them with your desk mate.

( Упражнения по развитию навыков аудирования и чтения смотри в продолжении)