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ARIES. WHO IS PULLING BY THE TONGUE? Be very careful in matters of information exchange, travel, communication, negotiations, training and trade. Now, for reasons beyond your control, you can screw things up, which will lead to negative consequences. Carefully prepare your speeches, fulfill your obligations and duties one hundred percent!

TAURUS. DO NOT TAKE RISKS! Be very careful in matters of using your personal resources, money, energy, skills and knowledge. There is a great chance of wasting your energy on unnecessary new projects, helping friends and risky operations related to games or entertainment of the senses. Restrain your love of freedom and emotional outbursts.

GEMINI. TO BREAK IT? Gather your strength, energy and be confident in yourself! Because circumstances may develop in such a way that you will have to work “to break it”. On one side are career matters, business and achieving life goals, and on the other are issues related to home, family, family business and real estate.

CANCER. OUT OF THE CLEAR PLACE… Beware of obstacles out of the blue in this period. Be prepared for the fact that circumstances may be stronger than you and you may have to resign yourself and endure. Be careful in matters of interaction with society and authoritative people, less feelings during communication and more control over material goods.

LEO. CORRECTOR? Try to be more critical of both your own fantasies and projects, and what your friends and acquaintances will offer you. Especially if it will require direct material investments. Expenses, purchases and trade operations of the period may be questionable in terms of benefits.

VIRGO. PATIENCE… Be patient in the area of ​​partnerships. Your charm can help you interact with partners, but they may now be too interested in their own benefits or may simply be cold and unapproachable. If you can balance the above, you will advance in achieving your goals and career…

LIBRA. PUBLIC SACRIFICE? Previously, during various public holidays and meetings, “appeasement of spirits” was carried out. This is exactly what you will have to do now. Now it looks like charity and sacrifices on your part for the benefit of others, nature and the world. Be careful in matters of work and health.

SCORPIO. RIDING OFF… Get rid of everything obsolete, harmful, preventing you from achieving your goals in life. To do this, you need to emphasize your excellent analytical mind that notices the slightest flaws. Be careful in matters of joint property, inheritance, insurance, debts and investments. It is not worth taking risks and playing with finances.

SAGITTARIUS. PEACEFUL SOLUTION... The situation in matters of home, family and internal partnerships may worsen, so try not to force the issue, react more gently to comments, do not break into conflicts and quarrels. Gentleness, beauty, the ability to charm, and provide a generous service will help you achieve your goals. There are many surprises at work.

CAPRICORN. WORK! Pay the greatest attention to work matters, responsibility, fulfilling your duties, putting your life and health in order. This will be helped by firmness in matters related to thought, reasoning, and the ability to work with information. Try to fully correspond to the ideas of society and your environment about what kind of person you are and what your authority is.

AQUARIUS. IS LIFE NOT A FAIRY TALE? You should not take risks, gamble, or hope for luck in financial matters during this period. The stars suggest being stingy in expenses and maintaining strict financial reporting to yourself and your conscience. Relationships with partners connected with feelings can be critical. You should not indulge in jealousy and despondency.

PISCES. SUPPRESSING A REBELLION? Be very attentive to matters of home, family, real estate and relationships with relatives. In these areas, active shifts can occur, which must be met with a cold mind and diamond patience. Do not forget to dilute this with participation, good feelings and a beautiful attitude.

astrologer Boris Bulatov