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THE MOON in LIBRA From the end of the Morning on August 8 to the beginning of the Night on August 11… MOON Accent The moon in astrology is associated with matters of a subconscious level. Those that relate more to emotions, feelings, are hidden from direct reason and explanation. The subconscious mind is very important in health matters, cases that go in automatic mode, that is, on the memory of muscles and work skills in any practical activity. On a subconscious level, there is communication with close partners who are allowed to reach your body and physiology. That is, they are relatives, marriage partners, children and, especially, the figures of mothers and wives. In order to use the Moon in matters not only internal, but also external, practical, related to partnership and business affairs, one should rely on feelings, internal impulses, and the ability to turn a partner into a close, almost native person. If it is possible, of course… aries GREETINGS FROM THE PARTNERS. The subtle feeling, emotions and energy of your body during this period are mainly associated with partners. Both business and personal. What can business and feelings have in common? And the fact that in practical matters and in personal relationships, you must rely on your own intuition, subconscious impulses and the ability to make a partner close, delve into his circumstances, feel the mood, etc. Smile more, strive to charm others with your personality. Treat them like close relatives with whom you can have a heart-to-heart conversation. Your intuition will tell you who to turn to for help and assistance. Special attention is paid to women. Taurus WORK AND HEALTH. Try to concentrate your energy, emotions and feelings in the affairs of work, fulfillment of duties and health. Here, first of all, it is necessary to adhere to all the rules, orders, and regulations. Relaxation will undoubtedly aggravate the situation. Both in work and in health matters. Try to stick to diets, regimen and calmness in all situations. It's a good time to find common ground with your work colleagues. There is enough strength and energy to achieve good results in work. If you adjust accordingly to treatment and self-medication, it will also be favorable. Twins ENTERTAINMENT ROOM! Do not spare your emotions, feelings and energy in matters related to creativity, love, children, acting and sports. Your initiatives and manifestations in these areas should be supported comprehensively, because they should lead to excellent results. If there is an opportunity to flirt, to play with the feelings of others, do not miss it. There is not much joy in our lives... many things that require a successful combination of circumstances and risks can succeed. But do not forget that luck is associated with your personal efforts, the ability to attract attention to yourself, to make your business attractive and attractive to others. More smiles and games! cancer NATIVE PENATES… Try to delve into your inner world and those projections that are connected with this inner world. And these projections in most cases relate to relatives, close people with whom you open your soul, parents, etc. If you touch on inanimate nature, it is connected with real estate, home, everyday life, land, and related actions. That is, construction, cleaning, mending, home shopping. Now in these areas of life you have more energy, emotions, feelings and opportunities. Try to communicate more with your family, help them morally and financially. Now you are strengthening or creating a support base… lion A NIGHTINGALE ON A BRANCH. Emotions, feelings and energy, together with the subconscious mind, are now in excellent condition for all matters related to information. Negotiations, trips, training, communication, trade and advertising, calls and business related to documents should be on top now. Pay extra attention to others, especially those with whom you interact every day. That is, for neighbors, sisters, brothers, shop assistants, etc. Keep your phone and other means of communication charged. Don't forget the car either. Many document-related cases can move forward more successfully than usual. Thinking gets an extra boost. virgin THE COOK… During this period, you need to focus on creating a wide variety of "dishes" from what you possess and dispose of. Your feelings, emotions and energy, coupled with your subconscious mind, can perfectly create and do anything. This applies not least to what is related to earnings. Everything you do becomes attractive to others because it is filled with lunar energy, which directly affects the subconscious mind. In the same way, you feel the energy of things, goods and services, which will allow you to purchase them with the lowest price and the highest quality. It's a great time to replenish energy and strength, but just don't overeat… scales LIGHT UP! Take advantage of the fact that the emotional and energetic forces of your body completely obey you (with certain reservations, of course). Therefore, it is worth acting, not sleeping. Because sleep and passivity in real life can lead to an explosion due to unspent energy. Take the initiative, make contacts, try to find subtle interaction with everyone. Interaction at the level of close contacts. Everything will work only because you will activate this work or mechanisms. It is clear that your fire must be controlled, because it is not far from the fire… Scorpio PREPARED… This moment is very favorable for final preparation before the start. Now the last preparations are underway, checking all body systems, cases, business and tools before the start. Well, the same thing that happens on the ground when checking an airplane. Try to visualize what you will want to achieve in the future. Imagine all the nuances, the movement of circumstances, possible problems and ways to get around them. It's a good time to correct past mistakes and fulfill obligations. Just act in such a way that it is invisible to others. And in general, in this period, act as a scout behind enemy lines. Find out about everything and prepare in advance… sagittarius DO THEY FEED THE HOPES OF YOUNG MEN? Direct your personal energy, emotions and feelings to interact with like-minded teams, sponsors and friends. Now you can intuitively feel market trends, customer sentiment, opportunities and prospects related to future events and trends very well. The more people you attract to your ideas and projects, the better for them and for you. Remember that it is necessary to work and communicate with them as with close people, those whom you let close to you. Connect your emotions with prospects and the future. Do not look back at the past, and then you will always have the help and participation of others. capricorn THE POWERS OF ACHIEVEMENT… Now you have a little more emotional and physical strength to achieve your goals. Don't waste them on trifles. Direct your feelings and intuition to matters related to your career, business, profession and communication with managers. Communication should be based on a psychological approach, the ability to delve into the affairs of superiors. Not only production, but also family, personal ones. Make sure that your mood matches the moment. It is useful to ask for help in business and affairs from people who are close to you. Which you feel like relatives. Aquarius AN ARISTOCRAT. Your emotions and feelings now resonate well with public affairs. And our society recognizes the affairs of education, art, laws and honors reputable people with a wide variety of regalia. Try to communicate with loved ones who have similar matches. If they are not in your environment, look for acquaintances in high circles. Feel your partners subtly, use psychological approaches and sympathies. It is worth dreaming about things related to travel and foreigners. Attend an event related to art, theater and cinema. People now tend to consider you an authoritative person, which you need to take advantage of. fish analyst. Be prepared for the fact that your analytical abilities and nose for cases in which something unclean will increase. Intuition and the ability to sense not only a business problem, but also a personal one are simply excellent. Remember that you will feel not only other people's difficulties, but also your own. Use this effect and period in order to feel and analyze to take up the correction and cutting off unnecessary. It is useful to have this mood to deal with the affairs of joint property, loans, debts and investments of large funds. Just like an experienced surgeon, you can solve psychological problems. Both relationships with partners and personal feelings about and without it. astrologer Boris Bulatov