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Заметки епископа: Розарий- путь ученика Марии. / Bishop's notes: Prayer of the Rosary- the way of the disciple of the Most Pure Mother

«Небеса проповедуют Славу Божию и о делах Его возвещает твердь…»- Пс.18

Доброго и благословенного утра, дорогие братья и сёстры! Эпиграфом для сегодняшних размышлений я выбрал слова из Псалтири, которые повествуют о том, насколько далеко и с силой Духа разносится Слово Божие. И правда, когда человек, подготовленный и понимающий, смотрит на небо, особенно на звёздное, перед ним предстаёт необозримое величие Господа, «Творца неба и земли, видимого всего и невидимого»… Это и есть безмолвная проповедь, которую возвещает безгрешное и чистое творение Отца Небесного- природа.

Сегодняшнее Евангелие словами Спасителя, обращёнными к людям, которые искали его в Капернауме: «Я есмь хлеб жизни; приходящий ко Мне не будет алкать, и верующий в Меня не будет жаждать никогда.» Мне хотелось бы сопоставить эти слова Господа Иисуса со словами Пресвятой Богородицы, которые были сказаны во время явлений в Фатиме: «Не ищите меня ни у статуй, ни в образах… Я вся- в Розарии!». Молитва Розария, через которую мы приходим к Пречистой Матери, настолько глубока и наполнена смыслом, что молящийся словами Розария не будет испытывать недостатка- поэтому я и привожу данное сопоставление.

Святой Папа Иоанн-Павел II писал: «В простоте своих элементов он сосредотачивает глубину всей евангельской вести, являясь, можно сказать, ее кратким изложением…» Раньше монахи читали 150 молитв Радуйся Мария в восполнение положенной псалтири, так как были безграмотны и читать книги не умели, но Святому Доминику было откровение (явление Девы Марии), о том, что Розарий надо читать именно с размышлениями о тайнах жизни Спасителя и Царицы Небесной. Именно к этому и подходит сегодняшний эпиграф- Розарий это проповедь самому себе.

По словам Святейшего Отца, в каждой своей части Розарий так же глубок, как и Евангельское послание. Он развивает мысль, говоря, что Розарий является для нас «школой Марии» и приобщает нас «к созерцанию прекрасного лика Христа и переживанию глубины Его любви». Посредством Розария, пишет он, «верующий достигает обилия благодати, словно получая ее прямо из рук Матери Искупителя». Мой хороший знакомый, настоятель Армяно-католического прихода св.Григора Просветителя в Москве, протоархимандрит Петрос Есаян говорил: «Розарий- это канат, по которому можно взобраться в спасающие от ада объятия Матери Небесной».

Мой прошлый духовный наставник, о.Августин, всегда держал в руках Розарий, которым предпочитал молиться по вечерам, после вечернего оффиция. Он всегда говорил, что как Отче Наш является молитвой Господней, так Розарий является молитвой Матерней. Когда у него было время, он звонил ровно в 21:15 и спрашивал, прочитал ли я Розарий. Так и привык, до этого времени Розарий должен быть прочитан, хотя не всегда удаётся каждый день…

Дорогие мои, если вы имеете силы и возможность- читайте эту молитву ежедневно. Молитва по чёткам в принципе, а тем более Святой Розарий- это всегда путь, путь ученический. И именно через Розарий мы учимся почти что всему у нашей Пречистой Матери.


"The heavens proclaim the glory of God and the firmament proclaims His works..." - Ps.18

Good and blessed morning, dear brothers and sisters! As an epigraph for today's reflections, I have chosen words from the Psalter, which tell how far and with the power of the Spirit the Word of God spreads. And indeed, when a person, prepared and understanding, looks at the sky, especially at the starry one, the boundless greatness of the Lord, "The Creator of heaven and earth, of everything visible and invisible," appears before him… This is the silent sermon that is proclaimed by the sinless and pure creation of the Heavenly Father- nature.

Today's Gospel is in the words of the Savior, addressed to the people who sought him in Capernaum: "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst." I would like to compare these words of the Lord Jesus with the words of the Most Holy Theotokos, which were said during the apparitions in Fatima: "Don't look for me either at statues or in images… I'm all in the Rose Garden!" The prayer of the Rosary, through which we come to the Most Pure Mother, is so deep and full of meaning that those who pray with the words of the Rosary will not lack- that's why I bring this comparison.

Holy Pope John Paul II wrote: "In the simplicity of its elements, it concentrates the depth of the entire gospel message, being, one might say, its summary..." Previously, the monks read 150 Hail Mary prayers to complete the prescribed psalter, since they were illiterate and could not read books, but Saint Dominic had a revelation (the appearance of the Virgin Mary) that the Rosary it is necessary to read with reflections on the mysteries of the life of the Savior and the Queen of Heaven. This is exactly what today's epigraph fits- the Rosary is a sermon to oneself.

According to His Holiness, the Rosary is as deep in every part as the Gospel message. He develops the idea by saying that the Rosary is for us the "school of Mary" and introduces us "to the contemplation of the beautiful face of Christ and the experience of the depth of His love." Through the Rosary, he writes, "the believer attains an abundance of grace, as if receiving it directly from the hands of the Redeemer's Mother." My good friend, the rector of the Armenian Catholic Parish of St. Gregory the Illuminator in Moscow, Proto-Archimandrite Petros Yesayan, said: "The rosary is a rope by which you can climb into the arms of the Heavenly Mother, saving you from hell."

My last spiritual mentor, Fr. Augustine, always held a Rosary in his hands, which he preferred to pray in the evenings, after the evening office. He always said that just as Our Father is the Lord's prayer, so the Rosary is the Mother's prayer. When he had time, he called at exactly 21:15 and asked if I had read the Rosary. So I got used to it, before that time the Rosary should be read, although it is not always possible every day…

My dear ones, if you have the strength and the opportunity, read this prayer daily. Prayer on the rosary in principle, and even more so the Holy Rosary, is always a path, a student's path. And it is through the Rosary that we learn almost everything from our Most Pure Mother."The heavens proclaim the glory of God and the firmament proclaims His works..." - Ps.18

Good and blessed morning, dear brothers and sisters! As an epigraph for today's reflections, I have chosen words from the Psalter, which tell how far and with the power of the Spirit the Word of God spreads. And indeed, when a person, prepared and understanding, looks at the sky, especially at the starry one, the boundless greatness of the Lord, "The Creator of heaven and earth, of everything visible and invisible," appears before him… This is the silent sermon that is proclaimed by the sinless and pure creation of the Heavenly Father- nature.

Today's Gospel is in the words of the Savior, addressed to the people who sought him in Capernaum: "I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst." I would like to compare these words of the Lord Jesus with the words of the Most Holy Theotokos, which were said during the apparitions in Fatima: "Don't look for me either at statues or in images… I'm all in the Rose Garden!" The prayer of the Rosary, through which we come to the Most Pure Mother, is so deep and full of meaning that those who pray with the words of the Rosary will not lack- that's why I bring this comparison.

Holy Pope John Paul II wrote: "In the simplicity of its elements, it concentrates the depth of the entire gospel message, being, one might say, its summary..." Previously, the monks read 150 Hail Mary prayers to complete the prescribed psalter, since they were illiterate and could not read books, but Saint Dominic had a revelation (the appearance of the Virgin Mary) that the Rosary it is necessary to read with reflections on the mysteries of the life of the Savior and the Queen of Heaven. This is exactly what today's epigraph fits- the Rosary is a sermon to oneself.

According to His Holiness, the Rosary is as deep in every part as the Gospel message. He develops the idea by saying that the Rosary is for us the "school of Mary" and introduces us "to the contemplation of the beautiful face of Christ and the experience of the depth of His love." Through the Rosary, he writes, "the believer attains an abundance of grace, as if receiving it directly from the hands of the Redeemer's Mother." My good friend, the rector of the Armenian Catholic Parish of St. Gregory the Illuminator in Moscow, Proto-Archimandrite Petros Yesayan, said: "The rosary is a rope by which you can climb into the arms of the Heavenly Mother, saving you from hell."

My last spiritual mentor, Fr. Augustine, always held a Rosary in his hands, which he preferred to pray in the evenings, after the evening office. He always said that just as Our Father is the Lord's prayer, so the Rosary is the Mother's prayer. When he had time, he called at exactly 9:15 pm and asked if I had read the Rosary. So I got used to it, before that time the Rosary should be read, although it is not always possible every day…

My dear ones, if you have the strength and the opportunity, read this prayer daily. Prayer on the rosary in principle, and even more so the Holy Rosary, is always a path, a student's path. And it is through the Rosary that we learn almost everything from our Most Pure Mother.