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The CLK5010 is a 16-pin DIP integrated circuit (IC) manufactured by ITT. It is a programmable clock generator that can be used to generate a wide range of frequencies from 0.5 Hz to 20 MHz. It is suitable for use in microprocessor-based systems, communications systems, and other applications requiring precise timing.


  • Programmable frequency range of 0.5 Hz to 20 MHz
  • * Outputs can be synchronized to an external clock
  • * Outputs can be programmed to be active high or active low
  • * Outputs can be programmed to be enabled or disabled
  • * Outputs can be programmed to be active for a fixed period of time
  • * Outputs can be programmed to be active for a variable period of time
  • * Outputs can be programmed to be active for a specific number of cycles
  • * Outputs can be programmed to be active for a specific number of pulses
  • Applications:
  • * Microprocessor-based systems
  • * Communications systems
  • * Automotive systems
  • * Medical equipment
  • * Industrial control systems
  • * Test and measurement equipment(For reference only)
  • Ссылка на продукт:https://www.utsource.net/ru/itm/p/9519552.html
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