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The emergence of betting companies

The history of the establishment of departments goes back far into antiquity. The primary mentions of them were made as early as the 5th century BC! The ancient Greeks were true connoisseurs of sports and excitement. The people of Greece consider the fathers of the Olympic Games and discussions not for interest, but for money. On the way, we'll take a look at Ancient Rome for a moment. There is fun mixed with chaos and excitement: the famous chariot races take place. The fans predicted the result of the sports event not only for gold, but also for slaves. This greatly aroused the viewer's curiosity, and he willingly gave his hard-earned money to predict the outcome of the event. Two millennia later, professional activity was born in the British Isles. Back in 1776, the gentleman Richard Tattersall created the first official business. However, offhand assessment of the odds and inaccurate prize amounts quickly extinguished the case. 1790, William Ogden carries out horse racing disputes. He approaches the matter more intelligently, and calculates in advance the ratio between the volume of traffic and the winnings for each participating horse. 1852, Leviathan Davis and Fred Swindell, following the example of Tattersall, establish betting points. They only act accurately and deliberately - they send booklets with lists of guaranteed bookmakers around London. An ingenious solution at that time was to paint variations of the end of the race. BC appeared in America and Europe only 30 years later. The essence of the process has not changed much since that time: employees of the offices found the disputants and offered them guaranteed winnings, taking in return the profit from the victory.