The 2951ACM is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller from NXP Semiconductors. It is based on the 8051 core and is designed for applications requiring low power consumption and high performance.
The 2951ACM is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller that is based on the 8051 core. It features an 8-bit CPU, 8K bytes of on-chip program memory, 128 bytes of on-chip RAM, a 16-bit timer/counter, a serial port, and an 8-bit A/D converter. The 2951ACM is designed for applications requiring low power consumption and high performance.
8-bit CPU
8K bytes of on-chip program memory
128 bytes of on-chip RAM
16-bit timer/counter
Serial port
8-bit A/D converter
Low power consumption
High performance
The 2951ACM is suitable for a wide range of applications, including automotive, consumer, industrial, and medical. It is particularly well-suited for applications requiring low power consumption and high performance, such as remote control systems, home automation systems, and medical devices.(For reference only)
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