About the calculation method of human will and the speed of circulation of will
Welcome everyone to SALVATION MAGAZINE!
In this issue, I will briefly explain how we calculate human consciousness. The theory presented by my grandfather is commonly known as the TAIDEN philosophy. According to the TAIDEN philosophy, human consciousness can be calculated in terms of XY coordinates. Every human being has a function called homeostasis to maintain his or her body in a normal balance. If we were to compare this function to bioelectrical signals, we can explain it as a life-support activity that tries to maintain the electrical neutrality condition as the axis of balance. If this were expressed in numbers, it would be the value of plus or minus 0 in the coordinates. The speed of will corresponds to plus or minus zero seconds. When the number plus or minus zero of the will is recognized at the center coordinate, which is the intersection of the XY coordinates, it is called X.
Please keep in mind that we use this X as a technical term when calculating the human will.
As I mentioned in the previous article, the human will has five contents. If we express this in numbers, we get [5=1=0], and these numbers are the same and equal. The name X used in the calculation of will also indicates the relationship [5 = 1 = 0] or [5:1:0]. Therefore, human homeostasis is always in motion to find this zero coordinate in order to achieve balance.
We define “light” as the fastest being in the universe. However, the speed of light means the speed at which light travels from point A to point B, and our belief in the fastest speed is only an answer for relative space. So what is the speed beyond the speed of light? In fact, the highest speed in the universe is, in terms of time, plus or minus zero seconds. Therefore, the human will is also structured to reach this velocity of zero seconds. Therefore, there is always a process of reaching the speed of light in the movement of the will, and these processes appear as biophoton phenomena that can be seen with the naked eye. One of the entities that support the will to reach the speed of light is the mitochondria.
Therefore, people with damaged mitochondria can compensate for the obstacles by practicing methods to increase the speed of human will circulation, and if the principle is further developed and new technologies are born, it should be possible to remove the factors that induce disease and improve the impaired state. If the principle is further developed into a new technology, it should open up the possibility of eliminating the factors that induce diseases and improving impaired conditions.
This is all for now. I have omitted the equations used in mental calculations, the relationship between space-time, mind, and matter, and other technical details, but our institute has published a scientific paper, which you may read if you are interested. See you next time.