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Hello everyone and today I want to tell you about stress and how I deal with it. Every person has experienced stress at least once, including me.

I very often get nervous before exams or important competitions, a lot of people worried only about this things.

Usually before such events I do not talk to anyone in front of them and can’t sit still. My friends and parents help me cope with stress. They always support me.


Also, to relax and get distracted, I often watch movies or go for a walk outside, my friends like do it too. I hate when people start arguing with me and interrupting me, at these moments I often get nervous, but in the end I always turn out to be right. I also hate it when people are late for something.


That’s why I have my own daily routine, where it says what time and where I need to go. for me it is very convenient. and I’m calm because I know that I’ll be on time everywhere, because I easily manage my time myself.


Eating healthy food and exercising also helps me deal with stress. I don’t know how, but when I eat my brain switches and doesn’t think about anything.


I think people need to be less nervous, especially over trifles, because stress worsens your health. I've only been nervous once in the last month, and that was because of the exam.


I think only exams or some important events can be a reason for stress and nothing else. Live and be happy! Good bye!