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The GitHub‏ repository for AttackGen provides a cybersecurity‏ incident response‏ testing‏ tool that integrates‏ large language‏ models with the MITRE‏ ATT&‏ CK framework‏ to generate‏ tailored incident response scenarios


📌 Scenario Generation: AttackGen‏ can‏ generate unique‏ incident response‏ scenarios based on selected threat‏ actor‏ groups

📌 Customization: Users‏ can specify‏ their organization’s‏ size and‏ industry‏ for scenarios‏ tailored to their specific context

📌 MITRE‏ ATT& CK‏ Integration: The‏ tool displays a‏ detailed list‏ of techniques used by‏ the‏ chosen threat‏ actor group‏ according to the MITRE ATT&‏ CK‏ framework

📌 Custom Scenarios: There‏ is an‏ option to create custom scenarios‏ based‏ on‏ a selection‏ of ATT&‏ CK techniques

📌 Feedback‏ Capture: AttackGen‏ includes a‏ feature to capture user feedback‏ on the‏ quality‏ of the generated‏ scenarios

📌 Docker Container: The‏ tool is available as‏ a‏ Docker container‏ image for‏ easy deployment


📌 Running the Tool: Instructions are‏ provided‏ for running‏ AttackGen and‏ navigating to the provided URL‏ in‏ a‏ web browser

📌 Scenario‏ Selection: Users can‏ select their‏ company’s‏ industry, size,‏ and the desired threat actor‏ group to‏ generate‏ scenarios


📌 Python: A recent version‏ of Python‏ is required

📌 Python Packages: Dependencies include‏ pandas,‏ streamlit, and‏ other packages‏ necessary for the custom libraries‏ (langchain‏ and mitreattack)

📌 API‏ Keys: An OpenAI‏ API key is needed, and‏ a‏ LangChain‏ API key‏ is optional