The Russian North... Its forests and fields were not trampled by hordes of conquerors, its free and proud people for the most part did not know serfdom, and it was here that the most ancient legends, rituals, epics, songs and fairy tales of Rus' were preserved in purity and integrity.
t is here, according to many researchers, that such archaic cultural details have been preserved that are older not only than the ancient Greeks, but even those recorded in the Vedas - the most ancient cultural monument of all Indo-European peoples. This is not surprising, since the Aryans (Indo-Iranians) came to the territory of Iran and India 4 thousand years ago, and before that their ancestors lived in their Eastern European ancestral home. Thus, the Soviet linguist B.V. Gornung believed that the ancestors of the Aryans (Indo-Iranians) at the end of the 3rd millennium BC. e. inhabited the northeast of Europe and were located somewhere near the middle Volga, and the French researcher R. Girshman emphasized that “the mention of the Volga, which became something of a mythical tradition, ranks among the most ancient memories of the Indo-Aryans and Iranians both in the Avesta and and in the Rigveda." The outstanding Russian linguist V.I. Abaev writes: “Through a number of centuries, the Aryans carried the memory of their ancestral home and its great river Volga.” Back in the 20s of our century, Academician A.I. Sobolevsky said that in the vast expanses of European Russia, right up to the coast of the White and Barents Seas, geographical names dominate, which are based on some ancient Indo-European language, which he conditionally called Scythian.
It must be said that back in 1903, a book by the outstanding Indian scientist and public figure B. G. Tilak was published in Bombay, which was called “The Arctic Motherland in the Vedas”, where, as a result of many years of analysis of ancient texts, he came to the conclusion that The homeland of the ancestors of the Indians and Iranians (that is, the Aryans) was in northern Europe, somewhere near the Arctic Circle, and it was here that the most ancient texts of the sacred books of the Aryans - the Rig Veda, Mahabharata, Avesta - were created.
For us, much of what these sacred books tell us may seem incredible. But, nevertheless, apparently, the knowledge of our distant ancestors was such that we can only be surprised. Speaking about distant ancestors, we must imagine that although a part of the Aryans, and not a small one, left Eastern Europe to the east in search of a better life, it is difficult to imagine a situation in which the entire population would leave it. Most likely, such a situation is simply impossible, because no historical reasons have been identified that could cause their obligatory general departure from their ancestral home.
So, describing the “northern land of the world,” the ascetic and sage Narada (note, by the way, that this is the name of the highest peak of the Subpolar Urals - Mount Narada) reports that “great sages who have taken possession of the heavens” live here and fly in “beautiful chariots.” Another of the famous Aryan sages, Galava, describes flying on a “divine bird”. He says that the body of this bird "in movement seems to be clothed in radiance, like a thousand-rayed sun at sunrise." The sage's hearing is "deafened by the roar of the great whirlwind", he "does not feel his body, does not see, does not hear." Galava is shocked that “neither the sun, nor the sides, nor space is visible,” he “sees only darkness,” and, not distinguishing anything, he sees only the flame emanating from the body of the bird." Another hero of the epic, Arjuna, talked about how how he ascended to heaven on a “wonderful, skillfully crafted” chariot and flew where “neither fire nor moon nor sun shone,” and the stars “shone with their own light.” It should be noted that Viking legends talk about flying fiery ones. ships that they saw in the polar latitudes.
A. A. Gorbovsky writes in this regard that such devices “could soar, hovering in the air, and move vast distances “in the blink of an eye,” “at the speed of thought.” The last comparison belongs to Homer, who mentioned the people who lived in the north and traveled on these amazing ships... Other Greek authors also wrote about a people who supposedly knew the secret of flying in the air. This people, the Hyperboreans, lived in the North, and the sun rose over them only once a year.” A. A. Gorbovsky emphasizes that the Aryans, who came to India 4 thousand years ago, brought from their ancestral home “information about aircraft that we find in Sanskrit sources.” He refers to the ancient Indian epic "Ramayana", which says that the celestial chariot "shone like fire on a summer night", was "like a comet in the sky", "blazed like a red fire", "was like a guiding light moving in space,” that “she was set in motion by winged lightning,” “the whole sky was illuminated as she flew across it,” and “two streams of flame emanated from her.”
The epic Mahabharata tells about the entire flying city of Saubha, which hovered above the ground at an altitude of 4 km, and from there “arrows similar to blazing fire” flew to the ground. Or this battle scene from the same epic, created in the depths of thousands of years by the ancestors of the Indo-Iranians. “We noticed something in the sky that resembled a flaming cloud, like tongues of fire. A huge, black vimana (heavenly chariot) emerged from it, which brought down many sparkling (luminous) projectiles. The roar they made was like thunder from thousands of drums. The Vimana approached the earth with incredible speed and released many projectiles, sparkling like gold, thousands of lightning bolts, followed by violent explosions and hundreds of fiery whirlwinds... The army fled, and the terrible Vimana pursued it until it was destroyed.”
The descriptions of various types of deadly weapons in the Mahabharata are so realistic that it is not surprising that during the first test of the atomic bomb, R. Oppenheimer read the lines of this epic describing the action of the cosmic weapons of the gods: “... the streams interrupted their run, the darkened sun leaned towards the west, and the planet, not inferior to the fiery sun, the brainchild of Yama (that is, the God of Death), rose high into the sky in its crooked orbit... The firmament split, the earth screamed, fierce winds suddenly blew, the cardinal directions smoked and flared up with a bright flame. The oceans were agitated and roared, many mountains with groves on them shook, hosts of living beings suddenly experienced unprecedented torment... It was impossible to distinguish directions, the whole sky was covered in darkness, the earth shook, fiery red comets fell from the sky.”
Here I would like to cite two more excerpts from different texts. First: “Hearing the hissing, the advisers fled! And struck by great sorrow, they saw a wondrous snake... rushing through the air, leaving a lotus-colored stripe in the sky, like a parting. Then they left the palace in fear, engulfed in fire born from the snake’s venom , and ran away in all directions. And he collapsed as if struck by lightning."
And the second: “A picture played out in the sky, as if two ... snakes were approaching each other, spreading huge silver-scaled tails behind them. When the snakes clashed with their foreheads, the faster one flew further, and the head of the second one fell off the tail and began to fall, licked by tongues of flame, to fall apart into smoking and burning pieces. Where the largest piece fell, fire flashed, an explosion thundered and a dirty brown cloud rose above the ground, gradually taking the shape of a huge mushroom that grew over the steppe.
It would seem that these texts were written at the same time and about the same event. However, the first of them is an excerpt from the epic Mahabharata, telling about an unsuccessful experiment with a “snake”, carried out in the summer of 3005 BC, and the second is a story by the General Designer of anti-missile systems, Lieutenant General, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. V. Kisunko about the first test of domestic missiles to destroy moving targets (in this case, the TU-4 bomber) in April 1953. So, in matters of creating weapons of mass destruction, apparently, we are by no means the first. Our distant ancestors have already walked this path, and the results of their experience were terrible. As the Mahabharakhta reports, “one billion six hundred sixty million and twenty thousand people died in the battle, and twenty-four thousand one hundred sixty remained alive.” In order to accomplish all this, enormous knowledge was needed. And ancient Aryan texts testify to them.
As well as ideas about the possibility of space travel, the Aryans had ideas about the structure and appearance of aircraft back in their Eastern European, or more precisely, Subpolar, ancestral home. It is worth noting here that one of Plutarch’s heroes, who visited the Hyperboreans, where there was six months of day and six months of night (that is, close to the North Pole), received here “as much knowledge in astronomy as a person who studies geometry can achieve.”
Regarding the location of the land of the Hyperboreans, it makes sense to pay attention to the conclusion of the American geophysicist A.O. Kelly, according to which during the last glaciation the North Pole was located at 60° N, which is as much as 30° south of what currently exists19. By the way, it is at 60° N latitude. lie the Northern Uvaly or Hyperborean Mountains of the ancients.
Often we come across information in the texts of the Mahabharata, the knowledge of which seems almost incredible to the ancients. Thus, speaking about the emergence of a lake called the “Milk Sea,” which appeared as a result of the fall of a “stream of heavenly milk” to the earth, the epic reports that this event took place during the “great muni-pencoeds,” which, according to the chronology of the Mahabharata, was in the “first Manvatara", that is, from 1.986 to 1.653 billion years ago (towards the end of the Middle Proterozoic, in modern terms). (It is worth remembering that our Galaxy is called the Milky Way). And this text of the Mahabharata seems interesting because it indicates the process of formation of the White Sea as a result of the fall of a cosmic object onto the surface of the Earth. Here is the text: “Once upon a time, from the mouth of an Ancestor, saturated with amrita, regurgitating juice, immaculate, it arose, a stream of that milk, falling on the earth’s surface, formed a lake called the Sea of Milk: it is the purifier of the Universe.”
In the tradition of the Mahabharata: the Sun is the ancestor of people, amrita is the drink of immortality, “heavenly milk”, or “super-light light”. It is interesting that, according to the new cosmogonic theory of A.E. Khodkov and M.G. Vinogradova, at the turn of the Lower and Upper Proterozoic (1.9-2 billion years ago), one of the global catastrophes occurred, characterized by the thermal shock effect of the Sun’s blast wave on the Earth. And it was precisely the flow of stellar matter, from which, according to A.E. Khodkov and M.G. Vinogradova, the planet Mercury was then formed, our Sun “burped” 1.9-2 billion years ago, or more precisely 1.975 billion years ago (according to A.E. Khodkov and M.G. Vinogradova). It is fantastic, but true, that the chronology of the ancient Aryan epic begins with the period called the “first Manva-tara” from 1.986 billion years ago.
According to geological data, the shallow basin on the site of the White Sea formed precisely at the end of the Middle Proterozoic (2.1-1.65 billion years ago), and the marine one arose in the late Proterozoic (1.65-0.57 billion years ago) and existed continuously throughout the Mesozoic (570-67 million years ago) and until the Neogene, when conditions characteristic of lakes reappeared. Thus, the White Sea could function as a lake only during two time periods of the entire period of its existence - in the Middle Proterozoic and in the Neogene, which ended 200 thousand years ago. It should be noted that the author of the Mahabharata text reports this (lake) state of the White Sea as really existing in contemporary times.
When we talk about the “first manvatara,” that is, 1.986 billion years ago, the question arises: is it possible for civilization to exist at that time infinitely far from us? But here is one of the interesting facts. In 1972, in the village of Oklo (at the Munana uranium mine) in Gabon, a rod was found in the thickness of uranium ore, completely identical to those currently used for nuclear reactors operating on U-235. According to the French nuclear experts who studied it, the reactor in which this rod worked went out about 1.7 billion years ago (that is, at the end of the Middle Proterozoic).
In the view of the ancient Aryans, the Universe appeared as follows: “In this world, when it was shrouded in darkness on all sides without brilliance or light, at first there appeared... as the root cause, one huge egg, eternal, like the seed of all beings, which is called Mahadivya. In it, as we know, the true light was the eternal Brahma, wonderful and inconceivable, omnipresent, he who is the hidden and elusive cause of the real and the unreal.” From this clot the Universe subsequently arose. According to the Puranas (ancient texts), the initial diameter of the “World Egg” was 500 million yojanas, or 8 billion km, and the final diameter reached 9.513609x1016 km. The circumference of this object was 18712080864 million yojanas, or 2.9939x1017 km. Thus, the process of growth of the “World Egg” is noted.
A significant difference between ancient knowledge and modern theories is not only the clearly indicated dimensions of the clot at maximum compression and before its disintegration into separate parts, but also the time of its existence, both as a whole and by stages of evolution.
“Twice five thousand kalpas are counted as one day, the same length lasts the night of that Awakened One. He, awakened, first produces roots for the life of all embodied ones. Then Brahma, who arose from the golden egg, produces, the same - the bodies of all beings, so we heard. Having existed for a year in egg, Mahatma came out from there... and created space. Those who comprehended the Vedas, their additions count ten thousand kalpas in a day without a fourth part... (Then) that rishi (sage) produced the basis of personality (ahankara), in its essence it is heavenly... it produced five essences... it carries out the third stage of generation; it is believed that its night is five thousand kalpas - the same number compete with each other, surpass each other, they defeat each other with swiftness. , the imperishable gunas (essences, qualities, threads). Their day is calculated in three thousand kalpas... and the night in the same amount." Considering that according to the Mahabharata, a kalpa included 1000 deva-yugas of 4.32 million years each, then the kalpa lasted 4.32 billion years. The day of the “Awakened One” thus occupies 19995.5 kalpas, or 86.397 trils. years; The lifetime of the Universe clot, or the “World Egg” - Mahadivya, is 7199820 kalpas, or 31103.222 tril. years. Further differentiation of the substance occurs within 10,000 kalpas, or 43.2 tril. years, and the final formation of the primary structure of the world in 6000 kalpas, or 25.92 tril. years.
But although the basis of matter, according to the Mahabharata, is the derivatives of space-time, the deeper basis of the existence of matter is, as is clear from the texts, a thought or word (or ahankara)—the basis of the personality of the “Awakened One,” which gave impetus to the transition of non-existence to existence and materialization of the Universe.
Returning once again to the idea of the fundamental principle of the material Universe, which the Mahabharata calls the “eternal Brahma” - the Creator, or “the true light, wonderful and inconceivable, omnipresent, the one who is the hidden and elusive cause of the real and the unreal,” we must note that the same The idea of a certain “superlight” as the fundamental principle of the structure of the material Universe was also among the ancient Egyptians. So in the secret (esoteric) cult of Osiris - the dying and reviving god - they call him “dressed in absolutely black” and claim that only the one who comprehends the light of absolute darkness, faster than the light of the sun and stars, will know the secret of Osiris, then there is an eternal rebirth of matter.
In the East Slavic pre-Christian worldview, relics of these ideas remained. So in the “Tale of the Creature and the Day of the Recommended Week” of the 12th-13th centuries. it is said that pagans devote the seventh day of the week—Sunday—to the Light, which they, “writing V as a blockhead,” consider the incarnation of the god Rod (an analogue of Osiris and Brahma, judging by Christian teachings against paganism). Moreover, on this day they worshiped not the sun (“the thing is the sun is light”), but light that has no visible source, “intangible and inscrutable,” like an emanation of the deity who creates the world. It was this Light that was the object of worship of medieval Russian pagans and, accordingly, the object of denunciation by churchmen30. It must be said that the idea of such light was still alive in early Christian writings, among Byzantine thinkers of the 4th-5th centuries. So Pseudo-Dionysius in the 5th century. defines the Creator God as "agenetos" - the unborn and the "super-light light", or, more precisely, the "super-light darkness". By the way, the symbol of this “super-light light” or “super-light darkness” is the golden background of the icons.
So what is this “light faster than the light of the sun and stars”, “the elusive cause of the real and the unreal”, for which the sun is only a “thing” in which it takes on a visible embodiment?
Here it makes sense to turn to the idea expressed by Isaac Newton 300 years ago in a letter to Bentley: “For gravity to be innate and inherent, inherent in matter in the sense that one body could act on another at a distance through empty space, without the mediation of anything.” or, by means of and through which action and force could be transmitted from one body to another, seems to me such an absurdity that, I think, no person capable of philosophical reasoning will fall into it. Gravity must be produced by an agent that reveals its continuity. influence on bodies according to known laws; but is this agent material or non-material? This question presents itself to the assessment of my readers."
After decades of absolute dominance of the communist relativistic theory (Einstein was considered in the Comintern not a physicist, but a Marxist philosopher, as well as his theory as a development of Marxism), in 1965 two young radio engineers Penzias and Wilson discovered the existence of background radiation of the Universe, and in 1970 discovered that The Earth and the entire solar system seem to move in this background radiation. In 1978, scientists received the Nobel Prize for this outstanding discovery. And in 1984, the Austrian physicist, a Bulgarian by birth, Stefan Marinov experimentally proved that the “luminiferous ether” and the associated “Newton’s space” exist. According to M. G. Vinogradova and A. E. Khodkov, the omnipresent descendants of the invisible neutrino permeate the entire Universe like water in a sieve!
It is they who are the beginning of all beginnings, it is they who stand at the origins of matter, it is for them that the sun is only a thing in which they find visible embodiment.
It is they who are the beginning of all beginnings, it is they who stand at the origins of matter, it is for them that the sun is only a thing in which they find visible embodiment.
So we have come to what our ancestors knew thousands of years ago - to “true light, wonderful and inconceivable, omnipresent, the hidden and elusive cause of the real and unreal,” to “dressed in absolutely black” light faster than the light of the sun and stars, to "super-light light" or "super-light darkness".
Truly, everything new is just well-forgotten old! But how good it is that the time comes and we still remember it.