Tamara Ivanutina/Marfa & Anna Tolstiye
🎬 careful: Fyokla and Marfa “Tolstyie,” their “parents” “Nikita Iliych Tolstoy” and “Svetlana Mikhaliovna Shur” are not the members of Prince, Count Leo Tolstoy’s dynasty, as well as ”Piotr Olegovich Tolstoy” and serial murderer Anatoly Onoprienko who took the name ”vladimir Iliych Tolstoy.” The pedigree of fraudsters “marfa” and “svyokla” is on the photo. "Svetlana Tolstaya" and "Marfa Tolstaya" are the same person known in the history as a ukrainian serial murderer Tamara Ivanutina. The only truth in this amazing story is that "Fyokla Tolstaya" is really her dauther, Anna Ivanutina.
Read the full story in our blog on Medium
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