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Film russia 2023 and 2024 in a single copy

Film from Russia itself 2023-2024
Film from Russia itself 2023-2024

The creators of the series Other Reality no longer hide the fact that the series has been officially filmed since 2011, and all the time it was not possible to edit the pilot (first) episode. Most likely, Mercury has turned around or moved far away from the earth (just kidding). But the real reason is the rapidly changing cast.

Hello! My name is Paul Latushkin, I come from Omsk - Siberia Mother, I am 36 years old, I am engaged in IT development, and as a hobby I film my Amateur series called Other Reality.

About the plot of the series:
Having gone to the anomalous catacombs, we understand that our lives are forever changed. The main character is trying to help us, but it will probably not bring results...

The plot of the series will take viewers forward and back in time to look at the fate of the characters, from the point of view of the characters themselves)

Just look at the excerpt from our film...

Our Russian film costs from 1 dollar, this is quite a bit, but it’s support for us)

The series will be in the spirit of those who, for example, love everything unusual, mystical, with notes of trash and complete mystery.

The series is Amateur and we have been filming it since 2011 to this day)

We try very hard to ensure that our product meets the standards of cinema and art.

And here is the full trailer for the film from Russia

So, I would like to remind you that our film from Russia 2023 - 2024 is available through a paid subscription, and it is not very expensive and will be just right for you.