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Hazem Rowiha

Asteroid Impact The Moon

My theory about the cuase of Noah flood.

The Torah in the Book of Genesis stated that Noah “Peace be upon him” lived 950 Nine Hundred and Fifty years and he died when he reached this age, and that he lived 600 Six Hundred years before the flood and then the flood occurred and he lived after the flood 350 Three Hundred and Fifty years.

Genesis 7 verse 6 “And Noah had Six Hundred years when the waters of the flood flooded the earth.”

Genesis 9 Verse 28 – 29 “28 And Noah lived Three Hundred and Fifty years after the flood.” 29 And he was Nine Hundred and Fifty years old when he died.”

Noah, who lived 950 years, Noah who occurred in his life one of the most important miracle regarding to the rotation of the Moon around the Earth and its impact on the Moon and the change in the calculation of the Metoinc cycle From 19 solar years = 234 lunar months To 19 solar years = 235 lunar months.

The Koran states that Noah lived a Thousand years except “subtract” Fifty years:

“And we sent Noah to his people, and he remained in them for a Thousand years, except Fifty years, and the flood took them while unjust”14: 29 Koran

The calculation of Noah age in the Torah and the Koran:

Noah’s life in the Torah is 950 years, 600 years before the flood and 350 years after the flood.

The age of Noah in the Koran is 1000 One Thousand years except 50 Fifty years.

The Almighty mentioned the word year by Two terms” Alf Sana which mean Thousand years” except – subtract ” Khamsen A’am which mean Fifty years”.

The Almighty mentioned a Mathematical Equation using Two different units to measure a length of years:1- One Thousands of solar years.2- Fifty Lunar years.

The year (Sana in Arabic language) is the time unit of Earth’s rotation around the Sun and one cycle is equal to 365,2425 days.

The year (A’am in Arabic language) is the unit of time of the moon’s rotation around the Earth 12 cycles and each cycle is named one month and each month equals 29,5305 days, … year equals 12 * 29,5305 days = 354,367 days

Noah’s age in the Torah according to the number of solar years, 950 solar years and by converting the age of Noah from 950 solar years to measuring his age in days:

950 * 365,2425 days = 346980,375 days

The age of Noah in the Koran equals 1000 solar years except 50 lunar years= (1000 * 365,2425 days) – (50 * 354,366 days)= (365242.5 days) – (17718.3 days)= 347524,2 days

The subtract between the age of Noah in the Koran and the Torah= 347524,2 – 346980,375 = 543,825 days

Converting the number of days to lunar months = 543,825 ÷ 29,5305= 18,4157 lunar months

How was the increase in the age of Noah in the Koran compared to the Torah by 18,4157 lunar months?

The Torah recalls that Noah lived 950 years, including 600 years before the flood and 350 years after the flood.

If we divide the age of Noah after the flood on the number of years of the Metonic cycle solar years the 19 years to know what is equal the 350 solar years of how many Metonic cycle.

350 solar years ÷ 19 = 18,421 Metonic cycle

It is the same figure as the amount of the increase in the age of Noah in the Koran, which equals 18,4157 lunar months.

It follows that the age of Noah in the Koran which is used the lunar month time unit showed an increase in the lunar months by the same amount of age as Noah after the 350 flood calculated by the unit of time “the Metonic cycle.”That means that the Metonic cycle increased by one lunar month for each Metonic cycle after the flood.

where it was before the flood every 19 solar years equals 234 lunar months and after the flood became every 19 solar years is equal to 235 lunar months.

This increase in the number of lunar orbit around the Earth by one cycle every 19 solar years explains the cause of the flood, the asteroid impact the moon, by Almighty will.

Which led the Moon to get out of its orbit around the Earth in the inside direction toward the Earth in spiral path and at the same speed to settle in orbit closer to the Earth and increase the number of Moon orbits Around the Earth from 234 cycles every 19 years to 235 cycles in the same period of time.

and that explains the cause of the flood as the Moon’s eruption to the orbit closer to the Earth on the gravity between the Moon and the Earth and caused the burst of water abundantly from the ground and heavy rain for 40 days and nights Which made the water flood the Earth and reach high The water level is up to 15 cubits higher than the highest mountain.

What happened was that 19 solar years = 234 lunar months before the flood became 19 solar years = 235 Lunar months after the flood.