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Radio script

If I had a two-minute broadcast on a radio station, I would have chosen the K-pop. If you literally translate the term K-pop, then this is an abbreviation of the phrase "Korean popular music". K-pop combines different musical genres: from the usual pop to gospel, reggae and electronica. The main thing is not to forget to complement everything "foreign" with traditional chips (the sound of a gong, kayagim or changu). That's how I would imagine it

[Cheerful K-pop music is playing]

Moderator: Good day, friends! We are with you on the waves of your favorite radio "K-Pop Mania"! I am your presenter Emilia, and today we will plunge into the world of exciting and colorful Korean pop music!

[Musical transition]

Moderator: K-pop is not only music, it is a whole culture that wins the hearts of millions of fans around the world! We will tell you about the latest innovations, hot tracks and great artists of this amazing genre.

[Music track]

Moderator: Do not forget to follow the news and events in the world of K-pop, because it is always full of inspiring stories, amazing energy and unique music!

[Musical transition]

Moderator: So, dear friends, our radio "K-Pop Mania" opens the doors to the wonderful world of K-pop for you! Stay with us to plunge into the sea of music and positivity!

[Musical ending]

Moderator: Thank you for being with us! Good luck to you and endless fun to the incendiary rhythms of k-pop! See you to new exciting meetings on our wave!