The topic I am going to talk about is: “We can't quite decide if the world is growing worse or if the media are just working harder”.
In our modern era, we often find ourselves wondering whether the world is truly becoming worse or if it is the media's increased efforts that make it seem that way. This question is complex and has different perspectives. In this review, I will discuss arguments for and against this idea.
First of all, the overflow of information is one of the reasons why the current situation in the media might seem that way is that the media today comes at us with a constant stream of news from all around the world. Reports of crises, conflicts, and disasters appear relentlessly. Due to the overwhelming presence of such news, one might believe that the world is indeed deteriorating.
Besides that, In the digital age that we’re living in, the media compete for audience attention. This can lead to a greater emphasis on negative events and scandals since they tend to grab more attention. As a result, it creates the impression that the world is flooded with negative news.
On the other hand, the media, by its very nature, should reflect the events and changes occurring in the world. If the media focuses on negative news, it may be because those events are indeed happening. However, such selectivity can create the perception that the world is worsening, although it may simply be a result of more accurate reporting.
Another reason why this topic might we be deceiving is improved means of communication: The advancement of modern communication technology allows the media to provide better coverage of events in real-time. This can give the impression that there is an increase in negative events when, in reality, we are just receiving a more comprehensive and timely flow of information.
In conclusion, the question of whether the world is growing worse or if the media are just working harder arouses conflicting answers. It is important to keep this in mind when interpreting news reports and to be cautious about drawing sweeping conclusions about the state of the world based solely on them. With the growing volume of information and communication capabilities, it is crucial to maintain a balanced evaluation of events and recognize that the dominance of negativity may come from its appeal to the media and audiences.