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Objective - CAE

Особенности оценки writing (CAE exam)

Наконец-то получилось у меня найти CAE хэндбук. Конечно самое интересное, это то, как оцениваются письменные работы. Там было несколько эссе, одно из них, я выложу здесь.

Nowadays, many facilities could use money from local authorities. There are people who claim that cultural institutions should receive more money than other facilities. But which ones should receive more investment is open to debate.
On the one hand, museums should be the institutions that need to receive a lot of money because people have lost the interest in visiting and promoting them. In a world where true values are not respected as they should be, it is important to remember what really matters. Moreover, the young men should be aware of the importance of knowing basic things in different domains. For example, science and history museums provide people very interesting informations. Therefore, in order to have well-informed teenagers, the local authorities should give money to museums. With that money, it can be organised events like the day of open museums.
On the other hand, green spaces should also receive money from local authorities. Mainly because in big cities, where the air is very polluted trees can absorb many of the gases produced leading to a much healthier environment. Furthermore, there can be built spaces for kids to play and also running tracks for people who cannot afford to go to gym. It is important for people to keep doing exercises in open air and in my opinion, parks are the best place.
All in all, as far as I am concerned the most important facility that should receive investment from local authority are the museums.

Как можно заметить эссе, наверное на три с плюсом.

А вот настоящие оценки.

content - 5

communication achievement - 3

organisation - 3

language - 2

т.е. получается всего - 13 балов из 20. Ну так и получается это примерно "С".

За каждое из письменных заданий можно получить по 20 баллов, для того чтобы получить grade A, необходимо набрать 34 балла, т.е по 17 на каждую работу, если Grade C, то 24 балла за две работы и 12 соответственно за одну. Ну вот такие две работы, как вышеприведенная примерно и означают "C" за письмо.

Кстати интересно, что скажет Chat Gpt по поводу эссе.

This essay addresses the issue of allocating funding from local authorities to different facilities, specifically focusing on the debate between cultural institutions and green spaces. The writer argues that museums should receive more investment due to their role in preserving cultural heritage and educating the public. The essay presents a clear argument in support of museums, emphasizing the importance of preserving cultural values and educating young people. The writer provides examples to illustrate the benefits of investing in museums, such as organizing events like the day of open museums.

Additionally, the essay briefly mentions the importance of green spaces but ultimately concludes that museums should be the priority for funding. While the argument for museums is well-developed, the essay could benefit from further elaboration on why museums are more deserving of funding compared to green spaces. Providing more specific examples or data to support this claim would strengthen the argument.

Additionally, the essay could explore potential benefits of investing in green spaces, such as improving public health and well-being. Overall, this essay demonstrates a good level of language proficiency and organization. However, it would benefit from further development of arguments and considerations of alternative perspectives. I would rate this essay as a solid B for the CAE exam. With more detailed analysis and a balanced discussion of both sides, it could achieve a higher grade.

Ну из этого становится понятно, что искусственный интеллект достаточно посредственен в оценке, но об этом я догадывался и раньше, когда он мне сказал что эссе уровня proficiency совсем не годится для FCE). Ну что же, после этого стало более понятно, что можно ожидать от writing. На данный момент, у меня лучше всего получаются эссе, и мне уже не требуется около недели чтобы написать работу, на последнюю ушло около 2 дней. С остальными работами сложнее, но писать стало проще, все-таки количество потихоньку переходит в качество.