Эти пять фраз помогут "склеить" предложения между собой и сделают речь более приятной
1. Moreover (более того, кроме того)
(used to add information) also and more importantly
I don't think we should go to the concert. It's likely to rain, and moreover, the tickets are quite expensive
2. As well (также, тоже)
in addition (to)
She's not only an excellent writer but also a talented painter. She plays the piano as well
3. As far as I know (насколько мне известно)
used to say what you think is true, although you do not know all the facts
As far as I know, the meeting has been rescheduled to next Monday.
4. On top of <this/that/something> (в добавок к "чему-то")
in addition to something, especially something unpleasant
On top of his regular job, he also volunteers at the local food bank every weekend
She has to deal with her demanding work schedule, and on top of that, she is studying for her master's degree
5. Furthermore (более того)
in addition; more importantly
The plan is well thought out and practical. Furthermore, it has the support of the majority of our team