Well, real story of my life and how I've started to learn English language.
This long way started when I was 4👧 It was the first time I watched Harry Potter film and it made such a big impression on me so I told my mum:
- I wanna go to Harry Potter to England!
-But you need to know English language first.
-Ok, what can we do for it?
And there was a great language school in my hometown called «English House»(как можно заметить название моей группы очень похоже, это было сделано в память об этой прекрасной школе). First years were funny: we were playing, drawing, sculpting from clay on so on.
My first and beloved teacher was Zoya Sergeevna and she has given us so great knowledge( Thank you so much if you read it!). 💚
The best things were:
-tea time( there was little kitchen there. we were drinking the best tea ever. and also there was a cookie box with Harry Potter!)
-celebrating holidays( I think we were celebrating them all, like New Year, Easter, Shakespeare's birthday and so on). I loved learning lines for performances.
Of course there were exams. Cambridge exams to be more precise. They were difficult but great. I've passed some of them during my education there. The only thing I remember that I was sitting this s older students on exams( am I genius?).
Добавлю сюда фотографию с тех лет. Помню тогда собирали лучших учеников и всех попросили надеть что-то в деловом стиле.( я справа, маленькая совсем)
So it was only beginning🥰
Thanks for reading 💚
Looking forward for your comments
🌜Your cozy English🌛