Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам болгарское научное издание Psychological Thought. Журнал имеет четвёртый квартиль, издаётся в South-West University "Neofit Rilski", находится в открытом доступе, его SJR за 2022 г. равен 0,156, электронный ISSN - 2193-7281, предметная область Психология (общие вопросы). Вот так выглядит обложка:
Здесь два редактора - Наташа Вирмозелова Ангелова, контактные данные - natasha_v@swu.bg
и Стоил Мавродиев - stoil_m@abv.bg.
Дополнительный публикационный контакт - occ@swu.bg.
Журнал "Психологическая мысль" публикует свои статьи на английском или болгарском языках по всем областям психологии. Он ориентирован на психологическую теорию и практику. Это могут быть оригинальные исследовательские статьи, данные метаанализа, клинические отчеты, тематические исследования, эссе студентов и рецензии на книги. Он предназначен для психологов, исследователей и студентов-психологов.
Адрес издания - https://psyct.swu.bg/index.php/psyct/index
Пример статьи, название - THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELF-ESTEEM AND SELF-FORGIVENESS: UNDERSTANDING THE MEDIATING ROLE OF POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE SELF-COMPASSION. Заголовок (Abstract) - Self-forgiveness (letting go of the feelings of victimization, resentment, and vengeance) is possibly shaped in its nature and extent by self-esteem and self-compassion, through various mechanisms. The latter two represent well-known affirmative self-resources with significant implications for life outcomes in individualistic and collectivistic cultures. However, the literature linking self-forgiveness and self-esteem is limited, and whether self-compassion mediates this relationship is not known. The present study addressed this gap by examining the mediating role of Positive and Negative Self-compassion (PSC & NSC, respectively) in the relationship between Self-esteem and Self-forgiveness. Employing convenience sampling, 144 males (Mean age = 22.10 years, SD = 1.66 years) and 124 females (Mean age = 21.98 years, SD = 1.90 years) participants were chosen. Correlation and regression analyses along with the path analytic method were used to analyze the data. Findings revealed that both Self-esteem and PSC significantly and positively correlated with the dimensions of self-forgiveness (except Guilt). NSC correlated positively with self-esteem but negatively with PSC. NSC significantly and negatively correlated with some self-forgiveness dimensions like Realization and Reparation, and Attribution but positively with the Guilt dimension. Both PSC and NSC significantly mediated the relationships among Self-esteem, Realization and Reparation, Guilt, and Attribution. Findings suggest the association between self-esteem and self-forgiveness could be explained by elevated PSC and reduced NSC, highlighting the coexistence and simultaneous functioning of both self-esteem and self-compassion in a collectivist culture like India, with more pronounced effects of the latter. Future studies should verify these preliminary correlational findings using diverse cross-cultural samples and methodology.
Keywords: self-compassion; self-esteem; self-forgiveness; path analysis; individualism; collectivism