Modular E70 piezo ceramic controller is a controller with high power, low power consumption, high bandwidth and low ripple noise. It adopts a special operational amplifier circuit to ensure the output capacity of high voltage and high current, and improves the precision and stability of PI regulation and control by optimizing the sensing servo module. The reliable anti-interference design ensures the high frequency response speed of the controller.
Users can freely choose the number of cascaded modules according to the their needs. One single module has 3 channels/modules, and up to 32 modules can be cascaded. The controller uses DC24V power supply, which can be controlled by external analog signal or RS-422 interface digital communication. It has both open/closed loop for your option, and is integrated PZT & sensor mini interface for easy connection, with external control function can be set, easy to operate.
• Modular,free to choose the number of modules
• Digital & analog control
• 6~96 channels freely selectable
• Servo control power supply
Driving the Piezo Tip/tilt Stage
The modular E70 piezo ceramic controller can be used to drive the piezo tip/tilt stage. The controller has 3 output channels on each module, and can cascade up to 32 modules. It can drive 32 pendulum mirrors at the same time, changing the direction of the reflected beam, and adjusting the beam.
Adaptive Optics
The main application of deformable mirrors is adaptive optics, which is the most common type of wavefront corrector. The piezo deforming mirror has been widely used in adaptive optics technology for its corresponding fast speed, high resolution, large deformation stroke and other characteristics, such as astronomical telescopes, laser processing, biological microscopy, laser communication, etc. Depending on the application of different actuator units used in the piezo deforming mirror, it can range from several to hundreds of thousands. By driving an actuator made of piezo ceramics, the direction of reflected light is changed by changing the direction of different subapertures, and the purpose of wavefront correction is achieved.
Phased Array Antenna
The modular E70 piezo ceramic controller has 3 channels on each module, each channel can drive 1 piezo ceramic actuator, 32 modules can drive 96 piezo ceramic actuators, which can be applied to the phased array antenna, and deformation can be generated by driving the piezo ceramic actuator, so as to achieve the deformation of the antenna reflector.
PZT Phase Modulation
By applying voltage to the PZT piezo ceramic, the piezo ceramic actuator produces elongation or contraction deformation, so as to produce stretching effect on the optical fiber wrapped on the PZT piezo ceramic actuator, so as to change the length of the optical fiber and the distribution of the refractive index inside the optical fiber, and carry out phase modulation of the light wave transmitted inside the optical fiber.
Tachnical Data
Update time:2023-11-27
CoreMorrow Ltd./哈尔滨芯明天科技有限公司
Add:1F, Building I2,No.191 Xuefu Road,Nangang District,Harbin,China.