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The real secret to happiness

#My topic today is titled:

(The true secret of happiness)

#My friend/girlfriend!!!

Be honest in your life in word and deed, and do not be contradictory between a beautiful word and an action that does not suit you, for part of the beauty and splendor of life is that a person’s words match his actions.

Do not allow anyone, no matter who, to frustrate you or dissuade you from your goal that you keep seeing in your imagination.

Your humanity is not valued by the amount of money you have, but it is valued by the amount of mercy you have in your heart.

Learn to be happy with yourself and what you have and where you are at the moment you are living now..

Look at the positive side in everything you have, for God’s blessings are countless.

Words are light, but some words are graves, so watch your tongue before you bury someone in the grave of your words...

If a nail got stuck in your dress, you would go back and save it before continuing on your way. Review your mistakes, as there is no shame in admitting them.

Blindly trust that whoever teaches you your mistakes in a polite and sophisticated manner and does not intentionally insult you will honor you.

Sometimes happiness does not require money, but rather creativity.

good afternoon

#Master: Raed Al-Jayousi

#Energy and self-motivation group