Caliber.Az presents an interview with the Russian lawyer, public figure, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Yanis Yuksha.
- How do you assess Russia's policy in the South Caucasus in general, and against the background of Armenia's anti-Russian attitude in particular?
- It is no secret that Russia's foreign policy in the 1990s was a complete failure. In addition to being practically weak at the time, Russia was also indifferent to its neighbours. Unfortunately, there was an ingratiation of the relevant officials to Western leaders, and this led many countries of the former Soviet Union to set some anti-Russian trends in their favour. At a certain stage, we saw this in the example of Georgia, and now we are seeing an anti-Russian bias in Armenia as well.
But times are changing, and today Russia has turned from a regional power of the 90s into a superpower and can dictate terms in many spaces. I would say that today Russian policy is becoming much more reasonable and, if you like, even reasonably aggressive. Therefore, in any case, everything that concerns anti-Russian sentiments in Armenia is temporary. Russia is pursuing a progressive policy. Sooner or later, and most likely sooner, Armenia will return to the orbit of Russia's interests, since it is Moscow that can be the guarantor of its security. Even today, Armenia has not gone anywhere, despite certain statements and actions of its leadership.