Nowadays we rarely think about how many things surround us. How many events, people, and most importantly relationships each person has. In this article we want to tell you about 6 books or movies that everyone should read or watch. These works tell us about different types of human relationships. This is not only a romantic relationship, which is usually thought of first of all when you hear the word "relationship", but also family relations, the relationship between a person and animals and so on. If you want to quickly view the article, you can view the illustrations that we have drawn.
1.The film «Addams Family»
The film «Addams Family» is considered as one of the best examples of healthy relationships in the family. The family of Morticia and Gomez is unusual: there is harmony and understanding between them, whatever happens. Even in the most difficult situations, they do not stop to support each other. Addams preserve and protect each other. The couple have a relationship of trust: they are not jealous of each other and do not control every step of the partner. The Addams accept all members of their family despite differences of interests and opinions. Calm Morticia never reproaches emotional Gomez because there is no place in their family to devalue each other’s emotions and feelings. Each Addams has a voice, and family members constantly consult each other that the harmony between Gomez and Morticia extends to the whole family. Wensdy and Pugsley are surrounded by care and understanding. Parents respect their opinions and listen to them. When Wensdy reveals the secret of «brother» Gomez, the adults immediately believe her. Moreover, Gomez and Morticia always take the side of their children. For example, the situation where Teacher Wensday is trying to punish her for the wrong task. Morticia defends her daughter’s work and gives her the support she needs. Children in the Addams family feel unconditional parental love, but parents do not indulge all the desires of their offspring, they have their own duties and rules of conduct. As we can see, the unusual and strange Addams family can serve as an example of healthy and mature relationships. Of course, there are many controversial points in the film that have been added as an artistic technique. If a child plays with knives, it is necessary to stop it for his safety, not to encourage a dangerous hobby. But most importantly, the Addams show that even if your family doesn’t look like the butter family, that doesn’t mean you’re not happy.
2.«The gift of the magi»
«The gift of the magi» (1905) by O. Henry is a heartwarming short story about a young couple, Jim and Della Young, who are deeply in love but struggling to make ends meet. The story occurs during the Christmas season. It focuses on the couple’s attempts to buy each other meaningful gifts for the holiday. Despite their limited financial resources, the two young people are determined to show their love for each other and are willing to make sacrifices. Finally, Della cuts off her beautiful brown hair which shines brightly and solds it for 20 dollars to buy James a decent gift. She is not upset about her hair but happy that she bought a beautiful watch chain. At that time James has sold his highly valuable watch in order to buy two beautiful jeweled combs. They both are ready to sacrifice the only valuable thing they own to make their partner happy. The story serves as a reminder of the importance of love and giving, especially during the holiday season. It is a classic piece of literature that has captured the hearts of generations of readers, and its message of love and sacrifice is timeless.
3.«The three musketeers»
The primary theme of the novel is friendship. The four friends have acquainted in very strange circumstances: d'Artagnan challenges the three musketeers on a duel. D’Artagnan befriends his fellow musketeers by siding with them against the cardinal’s men in a battle. Together the men succeed in combat and their experience forms the basis of their friendship. It is a friendship based on the group’s mutual loyalty, which in turn is characterized by their ability to compromise their individual needs and desires for the good of their group. This attitude is summed up in the famous motto of D’Artagnan and his friends: “All for one, one for all! ”The relationship between Atos and his son. In addiction the most touching lines in the novel is father-son relationship between Athos and Vicomte de Bragelonne. Their relationship is based on love and highest respect from both father and son. Raoul tried to become similar to Athos. Athos brought up nobility in Raoul, concepts of honor, duty, and devotion. Their arc ends with the death of both: Raoul died due to the wounds in a war protecting France, Athos collapsed when knew about that. Such strong connection between parent and his child is really amazing.
4.«White Fang»
«White Fang» (1906) by Jack London is a short novel by American author Jack London. The novel explores themes of survival, nature versus nurture, and improving oneself through discipline and adaptability. London’s novel challenges humanity’s claim to superiority over nature and celebrates animals’ resilience, simple logic, and instinct. White Fang’s protagonist is a wild-born wolfdog named White Fang whose struggle for survival and eventual domestication comprise the novel’s narrative arc. Cruel environment and people have made White Fang wary and avoid people. As the book progresses, White Fang changes two masters until encounters Weeden Scott. Scott eventually saves White Fang, and is the first human to show him kindness. Scott changes White Fang’s comprehension of human’s and becomes an affectionate loving dog. Whedon Scott saves White Fang from death. With affection and tenderness, he awakens a new feeling in the wolf – boundless love and devotion. White And become so attached to his master that Got has to take him out with him. This story once again reminds us that we, like all animals, are children of nature. We are used to using the power of our mind, we have learned to deceive nature. But we can learn the best from animals. To what? Sincerity, love, devotion.. This book contains an incredibly strong idea that character is formed from childhood, and the attitude depends on how an animal or a person grows up. White Fang was bullied by other dogs, tortured by children, used by evil people for their own benefit, but that bit of light and kind that seemed to have left him forever, reawakened with proper treatment. Jack London teaches us to love and respect animals. In his novel he demonstrates that even wild animal can be domesticated with love and kindness. A man and a dog can be devoted friends and is also perfectly illustrated there. Furthermore, author shows all the cruelty and disregard that people treat animals with. This story is full of tender moments that showcase the power of love and sacrifice.
5.«The hero of our time»
«The hero of our time» is a work about how, against the background of an epoch, a capable person loses sensuality and cannot be open to love and friendship. In the preface to the novel, Lermontov described the protagonist as follows: «This is a portrait made up of the vices of our generation, in their full development». The author wanted to show «the modern man as he understands it, and to his and your unhappiness, too often met». Pechorin is a complicated, contradictory hero. He says about himself: «I have two people in me: one lives in the full sense of the word, the other thinks and judges him». Pechorin is critical of himself and his actions. He brings a lot of suffering to people close to him by his indifference, inability to true love, to friendship, but he also suffers deeply. Society made Pechorin a selfish, secretive person. My best feelings, fearing ridicule, I buried them in the heart: they died there. I told the truth – I was not believed: I started to cheat». Pechorin despises secular society. He describes it as a «collection of rich and titled idlers», who are interested only in gossip, card games, intrigues, pursuit of money and rewards. Pechorin is lonely in this society. Pechorin loves to observe and admire nature, boundless expanses of the sea, the peaks of the cliff. Being alone with nature, Pechorin becomes himself, intelligent, subtle, and emotional. Pechorin is an extra person in the society around him, the society of greed, enmity, anger, hatred.
The central heroes of the novel «Oblomov» are Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and Andrey Ivanovich Stoltz. The characters are depicted as having opposite characteristics and leading a different lifestyle. However, despite the appearance of different characters, the friendship between Oblomov and Stoltz lasted for many years, being not only pleasant, but also useful for both characters. They were always happy to see each other, to share problems or difficulties, remaining the closest people in most of their lives. The relationship between Stoltz and Oblomov begins as a friendship between two very similar personalities in nature and character, but different upbringing makes them completely different and even opposable characters, who nevertheless continue to see in each other what is important and close that brought them closer together in high school. The relationship between Stoltz and Oblomov in adulthood remains as trusting and necessary to the heroes as in childhood or adolescence. Ilay Ilyich escapes from real life into a beautiful world of illusions and Andrey Ivanovich, who is rational and efficient, finds in his friend the traits and qualities they cannot reveal in themselves. Their friendship is based not only on mutual understanding and empathy, but also on mutual assistance of heroes to each other. Only with Stolz Oblov could share his hopes, plans, dreams and only Stolz could quickly and profitably for Ilya Ilyich to solve problems with his estate. On the other hand, only in the company of a friend Andrey Ivanovich found a balance of mind and could share his problems with him. Stolz at any opportunity tries to «stir», activate Oblomov, force him to act «now or never», while Ilya Ilyich gradually, unconsciously for both heroes, inculcates to each other the very «oblomovsky» the values that Andrei Ivanovich was so afraid of and to which he eventually came - to a quiet, measured, monotonous family life. The topic of friendship in the novel «Oblomov» is revealed on the example of the relationship of two opposable heroes. However, the differences between Oblomov and Stolz are only external, as both are personalities in constant search of their own happiness, but have not been able to fully reveal themselves and realize their full potential.