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Hello, I'm Artem and today in this post I'm going to tell you about cyberbullying problems.

Cyberbullying is purposive insults and harassments which are made by modern technologies. Cyber bullies want to harass and insult other people to receive pleasure. Sometimes, cyber bullies find out someone address or phone number. This can result cyber bullies breaking into their victims' houses.


You shouldn't do things that cyber bullies do. If you harass someone on the Internet, sometimes they can find your address or they can tell their parents, that you are harassing and insulting them.


If you're being cyber bullied, you should:

1) Block the cyber bully

2) Tell your parents about this situation

3) Change your phone number, email and account (if necessary)

If you do these things, you won't get cyber bullied online.


It's important to talk about cyber bullying, because cyber bullying is dangerous. You can get emotional damage by cyber bully or they can find out your location or phone number. You need to protect yourself on the Internet.


You can find more information about cyber bullying in Google, Yandex or other Internet browsers. You can also read more about safety on the Internet, and remember, don't harass or insult someone on the Internet. This will end badly.


Thank you for reading my post! I think you can now use Internet safely.