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San Ant

Holidays are the best time of our work! A trip or relax at home?

I’m twenty-seven years old and I work very hard in Moscow.

I want to say that holidays are the best time of our work.

1. San Ant in Perm, June 2023.
1. San Ant in Perm, June 2023.

Holidays are usually twenty-eight days a year, but in our company we rest more, twenty-eight working days a year.

We have more holidays because we work hard in our business-season from January to April every year, when we check the financial statements of different big companies.

3. San Ant and Inna in Nytva, Perm region (April 2023).
3. San Ant and Inna in Nytva, Perm region (April 2023).

We all spend our holidays differently.

But, when our friends or especially colleagues ask us how we spent our holidays, we usually tell them about our travels.

I have travelled much this year.

4. San Ant - arrival to the Baltic Sea, June 2023.
4. San Ant - arrival to the Baltic Sea, June 2023.

I have been to Kaliningrad, Perm, Ekaterinburg, Kostroma, Volgograd and Moscow on my holidays this year.

5. San Ant in Kaliningrad, June 2023.
5. San Ant in Kaliningrad, June 2023.

I like travelling, but we can spend our holidays in different ways, for example we can build a new house, clean our apartment, check our health, help other people and animals and so on.

We need a lot of money for holiday travelling, but we can save our money if we read a novel on our holidays.

6. TV series "Modern Family", USA.
6. TV series "Modern Family", USA.

Some people spend their holidays watching TV or different new films and series.

There are people who don’t know what to do on their holidays.

They can sleep a lot or even continue to work.

7. San Ant in Yantarny, Kaliningrad Oblast, June 2023.
7. San Ant in Yantarny, Kaliningrad Oblast, June 2023.

Sleep is important, but not too much, rest is also important, so sleeping a lot of time and working on holidays is not good for health.

I can give an example, in our company the management insists some employees go on holidays to rest.

8. San Ant in Perm, May 2023.
8. San Ant in Perm, May 2023.

We have to keep the work-life balance.

When we work, we don’t have the time for spending money – so, we become richer, when we are on holidays we spend a lot of money – so, we become poorer.

It is also important to keep a «money-balance» between earnings and expenses when we are planning our holidays.

9. San Ant in Nytva, Perm region (April 2023).
9. San Ant in Nytva, Perm region (April 2023).

And we all have to find the time to meet with relatives and friends to share news and learn something new.

So, holidays are the most important period for everyone who works and we should spend it as interesting as possible for ourselves and for the others.

10. San Ant enjoy the Lithuanian song: Jovani, Karališka Erdvė - Iš Lėto Leidžiasi Saulė (feat. Remis Retro).
10. San Ant enjoy the Lithuanian song: Jovani, Karališka Erdvė - Iš Lėto Leidžiasi Saulė (feat. Remis Retro).

In the final, I suggest you enjoy a wonderful Lithuanian music video and a song:

Jovani, Karališka Erdvė - Iš Lėto Leidžiasi Saulė (feat. Remis Retro).

See you again on the San Ant channel :)