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Uncle Sam, why?

Hello friends! Once upon a time, somewhere in the 80s, I became acquainted with a game, I don’t remember the name, but the essence was to rewrite a letter six times and send it out (drop it into mailboxes near houses), AND THEN one wish could come true... Afterwards, in times of high technology, this game was quickly remade as SPAM... But that’s not the point... Childhood is over... Games have become completely different... and some are not very kind. Games, childhood are gone, but desires remain... The desire to stop all this 6..dstvo, to cleanse the world of the parasitic propaganda of fascism, LGBT, pedophilia; racial and religious discord that the “Overdeveloped Powers” are endlessly trying to impose and introduce...

Topic: "Racism"...

....Once upon a time in the cold winter...I was watching a movie on TV, there was an action movie...my son was playing on the floor with cars...it was quiet (except for the occasional sound of a gunshot from the TV), warm and cozy.. .and suddenly!

“Look, dad, Uncle Slavik is on TV!” the kid shouted, cheerfully running up to the TV, pointing his finger at the actor.

I saw exactly who the child was pointing at, but I asked again:

-Who, who?

- Yes, here you go, Uncle Slavik!!! Uncle Slavik!!! - the kid showed while jumping in front of the TV.

This, of course, is all good, but the actor was black, and Uncle Slavik, of course, was not!

“Yes, he’s“ Negro ”!” I escaped from me and I immediately stopped short ... While the child was inquiringly digesting my answer, I understood !!! My son found a similarity simply in the facial features of this actor, absolutely not paying attention to the color of his skin...

“Dad, “he’s a black man,” what is that?” the son asked. And I answered with words from the movie "Brother 2"...

- Yes, they taught me that at school. The Chinese live in China, the Germans live in Germany, the Jews live in this... Israel, and the blacks live in Africa,” and on his own behalf, as best he could, he added, “in childhood, in the schools of the USSR, children studied races... for example, Europioid -white skin tone, Mongoloid-yellow, Negroid-black...

While giving a short lecture to a child about race, I, a Ukrainian with Russian citizenship, a native of the USSR, remembered another line from the movie “Red Heat”, said by policeman Ivan Danko...

"I'M NOT RUSSIAN, I'M SOVIET!!!" For only Soviet education rejected all racism. Soviet people saw first of all the PERSON, and not his skin color. And my child reminded me of this.

Question of the Day: Uncle Sam, why did your “White Brotherhood” destroy, and still oppress black people to this day?