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Who Framed Black Rabbit?

🎬Lions' Morphology.

Human has an overlap of genome structure with the banana, monkeys, and many other species of living nature. However, the 70% of similarity with the banana's genes, is not sufficient to inherit the banana's cardboard home. Pyotr Tolstoy was not alone on the way to pursue the fake status of the Leo Tolstoy's ancestor, pretending to occupy the place between another many unique templates of genetically ill biodiversity, who claimed the kinship with Leo Tolstoy. We also observed such a notable people, as red haired Vladimir Ilyich kinda Tolstoy, Nikita Iliych kinda Tolstoy with Williams Syndrome, Svetlana Mikhailivna Shur (kinda Tolstaya), Marfa and Fyokla kinda Tolstyie, Andrey kinda Tolstoy-Miloslavsky, and many other people, who claimed they are the relatives of Leo Tolstoy and his direct ancestors of the 3rd-4th generations.

Thus, the situation becomes to look very strange - when so many people with such a difference in phenotype claim that Leo Tolstoy is their direct biological ancestor. But the most strange, that nobody from the academic society of the Russian Federation did not address the only suitable questions: 

  1. What the hell is going on?
  2. Who are all these fraudsters?
  3. Why Leo Tolstoy?

I undertook the attempt to address all these questions from the proven academic position, because it is not the topic which can be considered in the context "to believe" or "do not believe" - we are not in the ducking theater.


First, allow me to remind you the basics of generics: "In creating a new generation, parents pass DNA to their offspring. The DNA carries genes that hold the information for the proteins and RNA molecules that will determine the offsprings' traits. We can't see the DNA, RNA, and protein molecules, but we can see some of the traits they produce - it is called phenotype. It is challenging to work backward, inferring in visible mechanisms from a handful of visible traits. Yet this is precisely what 19th-century Austrian scientist Mendel did." (Bonner, 2011). Mendel developed a number of genetics' laws, and I will show their application shortly, immediately after the answering of the first question - what the hell is going on?


According to West-Eberhard, "Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a single genotype to produce more than one alternative form of morphology, physiological state, and/or behavior in response to environmental conditions." (West-Eberhard, 1989). Consequently, the phenotype can be jeopardized by various mutations. However, the extent of such mutations, and the variance of phenotypes between direct biological kins, is limited by the basic laws of biology. The morphology of phenotypes, and the anthropogenesis, which study these variances, are related to the academic field of anthropology. Basics of anthropology tell that "all humankind represents the one whole population segregated by races." (Roginsky & Levin, 1963). Race means the combination of distinctive traits specifically distributed between the representative of the definite territory, to better fit the climate, historical, and traditional conditions. For instance, negroids who predominantly occupied hot and sunny subtropical and tropical climate zones, have the dark skin, which is explained by the high concentration of melanocytes, making the skin resistant to the impact of the sun's rays. 


Every race have multiple distnictive traits, which are not limited just by skin color. Races also vary by color of hairs, color of eyes, height, skull form, face traits, and so on. To give a snapshot on properties, which are differentiating between races, I list the changing traits based on the classic Anthropology textbook.

According to Roginsky and Levin, in purpose to perform the Ethnic Anthropology research, they identified the so called distinctive attributes: "the properties of the body and organism structure, sufficiently sustainable to be inherited, and to enabling to segregate the one territorial community from another." (Roginsky & Levin, 1963).

The list of these distinctive attributes, which vary between different races, includes:

  1. The shape and the color of the hair, the degree of their stiffness.
  2. Skin coloring.
  3. Coloring of the iris of the eye.
  4. Presence/absence and degree of development of the fold of the outer eyelid and epicanthus.
  5. Many features of the elements of the outer nose: nose bridge, back, tip, bases, wings.
  6. The degree of protrusion of the cheekbones and flattenness of the face, especially the maxillofacial skeleton.
  7. Protrusion of the skin lip.
  8. Lip skin thickness and color.
  9. Tilt of the forehead.
  10. Development of eyebrow arches.
  11. Eyebrow density.
  12. Beard and mustache growth.
  13. Body hair growth.
  14. Face contour shape.
  15. The shape of the back of the head.
  16. Features of the structure of the outer ear and its elements.
  17. Features of the bite, shape, size and structure of the teeth.
  18. Height, length of arms and legs, their ratio to each other, and the ratio of their individual segments.
  19. Pigmentation of certain parts of the body ( palms, eyelids, nipples, genitals).
  20. Length, width and height of the head.
  21. Latitude of body elements.
  22. The length and width of the face, nose, ears, the size of the eyes, lips, the width of the mouth, the height of the upper lip.

According to Bonner, color of hairs becomes the unique differentiating attribute, allowing to match clearly genotype and phenotype, and prove kinship. "Many genes influence hair color, but the Skin, Hair, and Eye Pigmentation gene (SHEP1), shows the greatest allelic diversity." (Bonner, 2011). Thus, the color of hair serves as a one of the most reliable sources to confirm biological kinship as long as it relates to the very narrow range of genome in terms if its allelic structure.


Now let's observe the photo just to remind you how the Leo Tolstoy's phenotype looks like - the physical appearance, the backward, which reflects the genes included into his genome, with the photos of so many people claiming the close linear biological kinship with Leo Tolstoy. If all these people were really close biological descendants of Leo Tolstoy, they would have a mandatory strong external similarity, allowing to confirm the identity of phenotypes and the kinship of the genome. However, as we can see, none of the great-grandchildren only looks like their "great-grandfather." Contrary to all the laws of genetics, anthropology and biology, "grandchildren" belong to different races and ethnic groups not only among themselves, but above all with Leo Tolstoy, with whom they claim to be related.

So, the first question what is the hell going on gets an obvious answer: all these people relate not only to different races comparing to Leo Tolstoy. Moreover, all these "great-grandkids" of Leo Tolstoy represent a multiple different races. This obvious mismatch between the races of observable phenotypes is a clear and substantial basis for the straight forward conclusion: the probability of the occurence of the event that somebody out of these people has the real biological kinship with Leo Tolstoy, as they claimed, is equal to 0. 

Written by Meggi Göring.

All rights reserved. 2023. Copyright by the BOOST.

🎥BOOST. Global alternative investments firm. AUM $32.795T (31.12.2022, US GAAP). Founded in Russia, in 2014. CEO, owner, founder is Meggi Göring, great-granddaughter of Hermann Göring (née Anna Tolstaya, by passport Anna Maria Serafima Raevskaya-Repnina).

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1.West-Eberhard, M. J. (1989). Phenotypic Plasticity and the Origins of Diversity. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 20, 249–278. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2097092

2. Bonner, J. J. (2011). COLOR CODE: Using hair color to make a clear connection between genotype and phenotype. The Science Teacher, 78(9), 64–67. http://www.jstor.org/stable/24148441

3. Roginsky I. I., Levin M.G. (1963). Anthropology. The Highest State School, Moscow.