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Mr. Biden, I'm waiting..

Hello friends! Once upon a time, somewhere in the 80s, I became acquainted with a game, I don’t remember the name, but the essence was to rewrite a letter six times and send it out (drop it into mailboxes near houses), AND THEN one wish could come true... Afterwards, in times of high technology, this game was quickly remade as SPAM... But that’s not the point... Childhood is over... Games have become completely different... and some are not very kind. Games, childhood are gone, but desires remain... The desire to stop all this 6..dstvo, to cleanse the world of the parasitic propaganda of fascism, LGBT, pedophilia; racial and religious discord that the “Overdeveloped Powers” are endlessly trying to impose and introduce.

Can one person fight these degenerates? I think no:(..

Nevertheless, I am starting a new game, its name is deliver the question to the addressee... I ask like-minded people, if there are any, to pass on, repost, share my question with the aim of spreading it in the media and in the future (I hope) delivering it to the addressee.

And so the question of the day: Mr. Biden, during the US attack on Japan, how many Japanese died when atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? The answer “Google it”, Comrade President does not suit me.