🦈The Death Camps of the WWII time, usually and mistakenly associated with the gas chambers, as the major tool of mass destruction. Thus, the total amount of victims murdered in the death camps - in particular, the number of deaths imputed during the post-war trials over "Nazis," - was calculated based on the capacity of crematoriums, maintained on the territory of death camps. It is the first, and the fundamental error in the evaluation of the Death Camps' number of victims. After the study of hundreds of testimonials of the Death Camps' survivors, we found out that the number of people murdered in crematoriums and gas chambers was approximately a 1% of the total death camps victims, if we match the capacity of crematoriums with the total number of people who was lost during the WWII, or knowingly captured to be hostage at the death camps. In fact, the death camp was the last destination point in the chain of the deadly serial mass killing infrastructure.
How the rest of the people died, who did no went to the gas chambers? It was awful. Many of Russians (except "Comedy Woman" hosts) know the story of the monstrous death of General Karbyshev: he died as a result of overcooling after being repeatedly poured with ice water, and exposed to the cold naked, until he turned into a block of ice. It was this death that became the reason for the jokes of Comedy Club copywriters, who considered the "ice breath of General Karbyshev" a witty joke for their protégés. Usually, after such jokes, in civilized countries the show is closed, first of all by the claim of its audience, and it should be a loud scandal. However in Russia, the show goes on, and this ongoing shame means that the Russians do not know, or forget the circumstances of the General Karbushev's death. For sure, the other reasons to keep the show going on exist, and they are listed below.
The terrible murder of the General Karbyshev clearly gives us a clue to the model of the serial mass extermination, which was applied in the Death Camps: the created well organized mechanism to commit serial mass murders using mostly the natural conditions. It is easy to say, that General Karbyshev was frozen after his death. Or, for instance, after the nice dinner with his friends, he was drunk, and suddenly fell down on the slippery road returning from the luxury "labour camp's canteen," and was frozen in the snow. The first issue is that the natural factors mainly caused the death of the Death Camps Prisoners by the applying them according to the direction of the Death Camps Administration by the hands of the prisoners themselves, under the fear of being burned alive of shot, were not considered as a lethal weapon.
The second issue is the operational model of the business of the Death Camps itself, which was based on the specially created system of the mass documents' falsification. The special approach of marking and making notes existed in the Death Camps, to hide the name, nationality, birth date of the hostages, even the address of the death camps, and, for sure, the true deaths' reasons. Thus, even though the documents would be found, nobody from the outside people could understand the real picture. The true number of murdered did know even the "Nazis" themselves.
Finally, the descriptions of the death camps survivors, according to their testimonials, precisely give an assurance, that the actions of the death camps' administrations, which used the methods of natural factors as a lethal weapon of mass destruction, were not the isolated incident, but the organized well-built effective system, dedicated to the mass murders and hiding of traces of their activity. To apply this system, and utilize the "elegant" ways to exterminate millions of prisoners, staying remotely as possible, the administration of the extermination camps was specially trained. Analyzing the testimonials of the survivors, we discovered that considering the details of the administration's modus operandi, they were trained to stay beyond the boundaries of corpus delicti - the elements, which form the composition of the crime. Thus, the main offender, with the truly mad, deeply ill consciousness, was not identified at all - this personality who invented this sophisticated, smart, untraceable, extremely profitable business of ritual mass murders. Nobody from the 3rd Reich invented this practice, since the first mass murders in the mass extermination camps occurred for decades before. Therefore, the prosecuted during the Nuremberg Trials were not guilty in the crimes imputed to them.
For example, concentrations camps were initially built on the lands with the very unfavorable climatic conditions, mainly in swampy areas with intense winds. This notable fact has the extreme importance: the Death Camps were created since the WWI. Thus, accusation for the WWII's mass murders in the Death Camps the NSDAP, and the 3rd Reich is wrong. We did no observe in the list of convicted during the post-war trials nobody, who would participated in the military conflict of the WWI, when the Death Camps were created. Thus, the NSDAP and the 3rd Reich were just the surfaces of the criminal activity started even earlier than the beginning of the WWI, from the end of 19th century. Consequently, it explains why this criminal activity continues even now - because nobody truly responsible for that was not discovered and convicted.
Looking back to the Death Camps, they were built in the areas, first of all, where there was no water suitable for drinking. People were brought to such camps as an intermediate stop, which became the last for many of them. In the concentration camps, people did not receive food and water, they were not allowed to bury corpses, they did not have barracks, they were not allowed to make fires and cook food - in the open air, without water, food, clothes, they were left to die. Then, the survivors were transported to the next concentration camp. And there were at least a dozen such stops on the way to the final destination - the death camp. Along the way, no deaths were recorded at all, and the corpses were not buried, or rushed along the road. To the concentration camps and death camps people arrived voluntary, by deception, and they were even promised by work, salary, good living conditions. In the death camps, people died from the effects of the same natural factors like in the concentration camps, the harm to health of which was part of the operational processes of the death camp. For example, the so-called insect treatment, when people were "processed" with the same Cyclone-B gas, only in liquid form. After that, the prisoners were not allowed to take a shower, and were given wet clothes or no clothes, and people were offered to go further to the ice barracks without heating. Thus, the death camp in the deadly business model was the last destination for the healthiest and the strongest survivors - to help them to die fast, with the help of artificial add-ons (poisons, Appel - almost like Apple, viruses, no medical help, no toilet, no shoes, hard work, etc.).
Thus, the Death Camps as the mass murders weapon should be reconsidered from all points of view: the exact number of victims, the corpus delicti, and the most important thing is to describe scrutiny the operating processes of the Death Camps and Concentration Camps to identify their replica in our modern life, to find out the structure and the new business units of the Death and Concentration Camps resurrected as the 3rd Reich immediately after the 08.05.1945. The war was not ended, and it is the reality we are facing, whilst the majority of the population still be unable to recognize their true offender. It explains the welcomed offense against the memory of the General Karbyshev, and warmly welcomed the General Vlasov on the territory of the former USSR. Inability to see the differences, like between Romashov and Grigoriev in the "Two Captains" novel written by Kaverin, led to ongoing terroristic activity on the territory of Russia for decades, when criminals even don't try to hide their faces, being sure that they are unrecognizable in such a loud, very specific character cases like Nord Ost, Lame Horse, Perm Columbine, Winter Cherry, Kazan Columbine, Fire in the Samarsky GUVD.
The only difference of these cases with the traditional, classic methods of serial mass extermination is the only one - that the deadly multifaceted business introducing itself during the period of 1933-1945 as NSDAP, or Third Reich, has replaced the Sanskrit Swastika by another symbols with the same meaning. The second fundamental mistake - to do not count victims of the same crime series occurred beyond the period 1938-1945.
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