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Who Framed Black Rabbit?

Who Framed Black Rabbit?


🎬In the mix of Leo Tolstoy's races, there are two distinguished lines of specific racial traits:

- Unknown Europeoid sub-race

- Mongoloid.

In the pedigree of Leo Tolstoy, there is the direct ancestor Chinghiz-Khan, in the 23rd generation. This explains the Mongoloid traits in the Leo Tolstoy's phenotype. It is quite difficult to imagine that the genes of Chinghiz Khan would be recessive. Thus, the descendant has the yellow skin tone, Pronounced cheekbones, and the Mongoloid outer edge of the upper eyelid. As we know, the second dominant genes in the genome of Leo Tolstoy which come from Rurik, are related to the Scandinavian race (Nord-East), which is characterized by the precise combination of the height, dark curly hairs, light eyes, massive facial vegetation, and nose with a hump. These 2 phenotypes - Rurik and Chinghiz-Khan formed the genome of Leo Tolstoy's. However, according to the legend of Pyotr kinda Tolstoy, the direct male ancestor of Leo Tolstoy with the Lithuanian name Indris, was an ethnic German. But we do not observe any traits of Germanic or Lithuanian ethnicity, only two others were brightly reflected in the Leo Tolstoy's phenotype. 


Now let's discover who the duck is Indris. The names with the ending "is" or "as" are the typical of Lithuania. When "Indris" came to Russia, the Lithuania, Germany, and the Roman Empire was the part of the one ethnicity - The Grand Duchy of Lithuania as part of the Kingdom of Prussia. Thus, Indris could really be both German and Lithuanian at the same time, and, therefore, had the name of Lithuanian origin.

The Indris as a name of a Duke among princely dynasties of the Kingdom of Prussia, and The Duchy of Lithuania is absent. However, in chronicles and other historical sources there are often not names, but nicknames. "The practice of paganism prior to Christianity led to the popularity of popular names, which had their own characteristics. Usually, they were derived from the names of objects around the world. Old Latvian names depicted the characteristics of people." (Alabin, 2021). In this regard, it can be assumed that endures is not a name, but a nickname. And since the ethnic features of the anthropology of the Romano-Germanic race, including the haplogroup, refute the direct affiliation of Leo Tolstoy's direct ancestor to it, let's consider an alternative option according to the origin of the name or nickname Indris. 


Let's challenge the hypothesis of the origin of the direct male predecessor of Leo Tolstoy based on the Lithuanian origin of his name or nickname - Indris. At the time of Indris, the dynasty occupied the ruling place in the Great Duchy of Lithuania, was a House of Gediminid, the sons of Prince Gedimin. Let's discover the portraits of the Prince Gedimin, and his sons. On these portraits, you may observe the elements of the same phenotype, which we observed on the portrait of Leo Tolstoy:

  • Thick Dark Curly Hair
  • Light Transparent Eyes
  • Straight quite large nose with a hump
  • Height is about 1,81 m
  • Massive Facial vegetation: thick, dark, curly mustache and beard
  • The correct shape of the skull
  • Thick eyebrows
  • No any traces of visually observed genetic pathologies.

As written above, these are the elements of the 2nd phenotype, relating to the genome of Rurik.


The conclusion, which follow from this:

  1. The direct male ancestors of Leo Tolstoy are Gediminid: we found out the portrait similarity, in addition to the similarity of phenotypes.
  2. Rurik and Gedimin are the genetic siblings. If this statement would be incorrect, we would find out in the phenotype of Leo Tolstoy the traces of the 3rd genotype besides Rurik and Chinghiz Khan, but they aren't. Thus, the phenotype of Rurik and Gedimin are very close to each other, and this makes the basis to assume that they have the similarity of genotypes, and share the same alleles and haplogroup, because they led to the same external traits. According to the Genes (the largest DNA base), Rurikids have N-M178 haplogroup N1a (Genes, 2020). According to Family Tree (the largest DNA base), ancestors of the Gedimin have the haplogroup N1a (N-M231,232). Thus, Gedimin and Rurik share the same haplogroup, which anthropological characteristics comply with the appearance of both - Gedimin, Rurik, and easily traceable in the phenotype if Leo Tolstoy. Consequently, Leo Tolstoy might have the N1a haplogroup, but surely not the I1a due to the obvious mismatch with the phenotype specific for the I1a genotype possessing by Pyotr kinda Tolstoy. However, among other countries, the I1a is distributed on the North of Italy, which has a meaning for the discovery of the true origin of the Pyotr kinda "Tolstoy." But let me stress, that the I1a haplogroup strongly confirms his true origin, which has nothing to be related with Leo Tolstoy.

Finally, let's clarify the name Indris. If you look through the biography of the Prince Gedimin, you will find other names, without a trace of "classical Lithuanian origin." First, it confirms that Gedimin is not genetic Lithuanian, which is obviously followed from his phenotype. Thus, Indris not the name of Leo Tolstoy's direct male ancestor, but could be his nickname.

However, the Arabic word "Idris" (إدريس), the name of the prophet in Isam, which mentioned as Enoch in Christianity. Narimunt was the out of Gedimin's kids, who supported and distributed Christianity, refusing the pagan cults. This name also has the meaning of teaching, educational. Prince Narimunt was one of the first sons of Gediminas who came to reign in Russia, where he converted to Christianity. Gedimin had several kids, and this translation matches very clear with the status of Leo Tolstoy: his direct male ancestor was the son of Gedimin in the process of the education to succeed the power after his father. Following the pedigree of Gedimin, and matching of the historical dates on the timeline, probably the speech was about one out of the sons of the Prince Narimunt, who, following the inheritance rules, had to inherit the title of the Great Duke of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (as a part of the Kingdom of Prussia), and the titles obtained by Narimunt in Russia.


At the time of these events, a number of Arabic-speaking countries, in particular - Turkey, with the Islam as its official religion were a part of the Kingdom of Prussia as a successor of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire. It explains the Arabic roots of the nickname "Idris." As we noted above, the one out of 3 dominant male genes in Leo Tolstoy's genome, was Chinghiz-Khan, the head of the Great Mongo Empire, merging a number of Muslim countries as well.

The legend about "German named Indris" reflects well the crypto-origin of Leo Tolstoy. So, after the connections with the main ancestors-heirs of the Crown Prince, Grand Duke, Khan and Tyogun Leo Tolstoy became clear, the degree of its real significance and importance in terms of participation in the succession of the Eurasian countries, and the territory of the Turkic Khaganate - the united Mongolian Empire under the control of its direct ancestor Genghis Khan, becomes much more obvious. This, in fact, is the first part of the answer to the question in terms of such incredible activity and so many fake relatives - "Why Leo Tolstoy?" Now, it is time to speak about the pedigree of Leo Tolstoy, mistakenly entitled in the Internet, as "count."

Written by Meggi Göring.

All rights reserved. 2023. Copyright by the BOOST.

🎥BOOST. Global alternative investments firm. AUM $32.795T (31.12.2022, US GAAP). Founded in Russia, in 2014. CEO, owner, founder is Meggi Göring, great-granddaughter of Hermann Göring (née Anna Tolstaya, by passport Anna Maria Serafima Raevskaya-Repnina).

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