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Who Framed Black Rabbit?

🎬Well, being equipped with the very essentials of the genetics, the readers are now ready to absorb, understand, and capture the main ideas of the case Who Framed Black Rabbit or the Story of Hermann Göring.

Surprisingly, I start to tell the story of Hermann Göring, and monstrous atrocities in the death camps, from the beginning, which is suddenly, at first sight, was not directly occurred in the epoch of the Nazi Germany. 

Approximately in the last decades, in Russia has appeared a man, introducing himself as a great-grandson of great Russian writer, count Leo Tolstoy. I am talking about Pyotr kinda Tolstoy, later taken the post in the Russian State Duma. In the TV program - "My Pedigree" (do not confuse with the same-named dog food), showed on the ORT - the multiplex channel, probably on the one of the most trustful in Russia, as being associated for unknown reasons (actually, with absence of any of these reasons) with the Russian official state power. On the program "My Pedigree," dedicated by Pyotr kinda Tolstoy for himself, he made an announcement, that by origin in the direct male line, Pyotr kinda Tolstoy is the direct descendant of Leo Tolstoy. Later, on the Internet, in the Wikipedia appeared an article about haplogroup Y-DNA I1a, presented as 100% proven truth the statement, that Leo Tolstoy had the Y-DNA I1a because this Y-DNA haplogroup has Pyotr kinda Tolstoy.


Let's discover the exciting details of this amazing bullshit. According to Pyotr kinda Tolstoy, announced for all over of Russia in his TV program with the dog food name, he has the Y-DNA haplogroup I1a, thus, in his opinion, it is the sufficient evidence to claim the kinship with Leo Tolstoy, whose haplogroup was not identified yet by researchers. According to Pyotr kinda Tolstoy, Leo Tolstoy was entitled as count, and starts his origin from the unknown german named as Indris. Thus, based on these statements of Pyotr kinda Tolstoy, later inscribed into Wikipedia, Leo Tolstoy got the I1a Y-DNA haplogroup, missed his princely and royal titles, and became an orphan beginning his origin from the unknown father-in-law of german origin somehow named with a Lithuanian name at the same time. The genetics and biology are very precise academic fields, where the miracles happen just to explain the error. 


According to the Russian law, in particular - Russian criminal law, the expert laboratories may conduct the criminalistics expertise by request of the court or investigation to prove the degree of kinship. The source of biomaterial to be tested - the blood of potential relatives, which taken at the same place, at the same time, from every participant of the test. Thus, the tests made on the basis on sample of buccal tissue of Pyotr Tolstoy has zero legal force to establish kinship, and even much less extrapolation of this test's results for Leo Tolstoy. But this is not the only finding in this cas incroyablement drôle!


The story of application the Y-DNA haplogroup tests to attempt to claim noble origin started from the advertised assumption, that the speed of the Y-DNA mutation is extremely slow, thus, by the direct male line, all men, if they are in biological kinship, shall have the same Y-DNA haplogroup. Thus, every man throughout the complete male ancestors and descendants of Leo Tolstoy shall have the same Y-DNA haplogroup. As Pyotr kinda Tolstoy pretends, it is the I1a. If we turn back to the law regulating the confirmation of kinship by conducting a special criminalistics identification, and look through the operating procedures in this field, the picture will be "a little bit" different.


The Y-DNA, like as haplogroup, reflects the attributing of definite person to the definite ethnicity, that possess certain anthropological characteristics. For the persons pretending to be in the direct kinship, it is obvious, that they shall have similar ethnic and anthropological traits. Roughly speaking, family of two mongoloids can't give birth to the negroid. Among the europeoids, aware person easily notices the difference of races, ethnicity, and origin. No need to go further in deep academic discussions. Let's compare the phenotype of Pyotr kinda Tolstoy with his direct male ancestor, according to his declarations.

This amazing difference of phenotype means at least the one thing: the same kind of dramatic difference in genome. Thus, Pyotr kindaTolstoy and Leo Tolstoy cannot be the biological relatives with the gap of 3 generations. The conclusion is obvious: Pyotr kinda Tolstoy does not have any biological kinship with Leo Tolstoy and his direct male descendants.

Moreover, the obvious difference in ethnicity is not the only one. On the photo, you may clearly observed the genetic pathologies of Pyotr kinda "Tolstoy": the Satyr's Ear, linked with a broad range of associated genetic pathologies which follow, and the microcephalic brain. You probably did not know, the disproportionally small head is not about the appearance. It is the genetic pathology as well, and in dry remain it means the microcephalic brain which scientifically named "Oligofrenia." Well, this diagnosis is the excellent reflection of Pyotr kinda Tolstoy about his kinship with Leo Tolstoy - only mentally retarded person can be so bold to bring such a tremendous bullshit to the wide audience through the mutiplex channel broadcasting. This fact probably was the key to entitle the oligofrenic legend of origin with the unprecedented trust.

We all know that Leo Tolstoy was not a mentally retarded olygophrene. His ears and face don't have even a weak trace of any kind of recessive genes. Only Pyotr kinda Tolstoy probably can believe to the impossible story about the biological kinship with Leo Tolstoy. These two, even though they would having the same haplogroup, which they obviously don't, never had any kind of biological kinship.

Now remembering how Leo Tolstoy looks like, and knowing the basics of biology ad genetics, it is easy to help Pyotr Tolstoy to find his true relatives.

Written by Meggi Göring.

All rights reserved. 2023. Copyright by the BOOST.

🎥BOOST. Global alternative investments firm. AUM $32.795T (31.12.2022, US GAAP). Founded in Russia, in 2014. CEO, owner, founder is Meggi Göring, great-granddaughter of Hermann Göring (née Anna Tolstaya, by passport Anna Maria Serafima Raevskaya-Repnina).

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