🎬 The farce of mistaken identity occupied the larger part of the central place not only in the Greek-mythology, or a later masterpiece of Shakespeare, father of twins. During the Nuremberg Trials, the inhuman business of the death camps made up at least a half of the total accusation. The impressive part of the crime, committed as an inalienable element of it, were medical "researches," in particular - unexplainable experiments over twins. One of the survivors, Eva Kor, says "she agonizes over not knowing what Mengele injected into her and Miriam, and for what nefarious purposes their blood was used." (Koenig, 2000). The victims had just a vague idea about the purposes of Mengele's experiments over twins, and the question "Why?" still occupy minds throughout the medical scientific community, historians, and laymen. That's a quite strange situation - having the pretentious and broadly advertised Nuremberg Trials, ended with a numerous publicly embarrassed deaths of prosecuted, including my great-granddad, even today nobody can't explain the corpus delicti - the substantial, entirely indispensable basis for any accusation, the composition of the crime itself, without which the guilt cannot be proven. The crime's main component is the motive - the reason for the chargeable crimes committed by named as kinda "criminals" who were sitting on the bench. In terms of criminal law, it is simply defined as the absence of evidence to prove the corpus delicti of the crimes imputed during the Nuremberg Trials. Thus, the mens rea, actus reus, and other mandatory elements of corpus delicti, as well as the unambiguous identification of the identity of criminals - the subjects of chargeable illicit actions, which composing the existential basis for the guilt - were not investigated at all, and even not attempted. The "guilty" were appointed, not judged following the law. The conclusion is sad, clear, and obvious - the group of innocent people were sentenced to the death penalty for the series of awful mass murders of a ritual nature, which were committed by the other criminals, who continue their crimes even at the present time, staying unpunished. The logical question is: if the main criminals were murdered or died, thus, who does continue to commit the same series of crimes during our time? The modern Tradegy of Errors, the Nuremberg Trials, and the aggressive exploitation of it by the thousands of organizations and people for their own benefit fail to answer this obvious logical question. The crime series of murderers who were incorrectly identified and convicted remains a continuous crime series after the execution of erroneously identified and convicted double of the true criminal, which is disgraceful. And Nuremberg Trials are not an exception.
Several months ago, I started to make publications about ZR/RIFLE mercenaries, serial murderers working in the role of doubles of hereditary monarchs, CEOs of the largest corporations, religious leaders, or prosecuted Nazis reincarnated after the WWII into the image of the US state employees. The observation was that events like the Third Reich's activity, the murder of Sergey Magnitsky, and the Neo-Nazi movement in Baltia and Ukraine were connected closely. A ZR/RIFLE, a CIA program that was specifically designed for artificial twinning, was a bright example of the multifaceted 3rd Reich. Hiring serial killers was the key to dismantling and destroying official corporate and state power. The Church Report contains partial lists of cases that include John Kennedy, Patris Lumumba, Fidel Kastro, and many other well-known victims. Being initially created as the US state authority, the CIA, which operates on the basis of the 3rd Reich working procedures, has been transformed into the totally independent structure that sets the game play and agenda for the US national security, financial policy, and social life. Just an attempt to close the ZR/RIFLE, cost Richard Nickson his chair, and came into the world history as a loud Watergate scandal. The principles of the 3rd Reich management, being served as an essential operational basis for the CIA, and its top-secret programs ZR/RIFLE and MKULTRA, utterly penetrated throughout all practices of the US corporate management. One of the standard approaches to the acquisition of corporate America became the use of shadows. In a model like this, the American corporation sets the rules of the game when buying the company, but the legal and financial responsibility, including possible felony convictions due to American decisions, falls entirely on local staff. In Russia, you may easily notice the examples of it: the Alfa Group, the Hermitage Capital, the Gazprom, the Sberbank, the Severstal, and many other organizations.
Twins received a significant amount of attention from both science and society, not just during the Nazi medical experiments in the death camps. The phenomena of twins, initially empowered by many unique magic attributes of a ritual nature, like any other biological cases being unexplainable without study, encourages the huge interest of the society since the epoch of ancient Babylon, and the first undertaken study of the twins. To discover what stays behind the religious beliefs and magic characteristic of twins, it was the initial goal of the first scientific movers towards this direction, since the time of Galen of Pergamon. However, the precise attention to the twin phenomena was not the only thing closely bonding the 3rd Reich with its ancient Assyrian roots. Otherwise, nobody would transfer the Pergamon Chancel, the Gates and the Road of Ishtar, the Babylon Whore, pagan goddess, to the center of Berlin just before the start of the 3rd Reich's military operation. In their academic efforts to explain the beginning of the Third Reich, many historians and lawyers have omitted other important facts, such as Hitler's capture of Sacra Lancea right before the start of the war. And consequently, the 3rd Reich had an entirely different origin and motivation, almost completely abandoned during the outrageous the Tragedy of Errors, which went into the world history as the Nuremberg Trials. "Without knowing the complexities of the twinning process, early societies had to construct explanations that ordinary people could understand and accept, and it is not surprising that many of these explanations were centred on the mythical aspects of their cultures and religions." (Townsend & al., 2015). The practice of twins and the many different aspects of ancient pagan cults have been incorporated into the business and state government practices in the US. Thus, it is adequate, timely and reasonable agenda to classify the US politics, strategy, and practices, as fundamentally based on the principles of ancient pagan cults and Roman law.
With no additional instructions, the members of the deadly 3rd Reich were easily recognizable due to their numerous distinguished astonishing attributes. The military culture of the Third Reich had reserved the use of visual-spatial language for the central area. The color was one of the most evocative examples. The introduction of color recognition was meant to facilitate the document turnover and retention, marking of prisoners, identification of roles in the hierarchy, decrypting brief data about a specific object or person, and other tasks. Even today, the corporate world of the US still utilize the colored scheme attributes of the 3rd Reich and the names of the war operations that were lost by Nazis during WWII. "You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles?" (Mat.7:16). The bitter truth is that the Third Reich was revived and reincarnated in the US, Europe, Latin America, and Asia after the official announcement of the end of WWII, rather than being destroyed as reported. In contrast, it expanded to become a global multifaceted structure, based on the principles of corporate management, which governs a widely distributed, tough, criminal group that incorporates many criminal business units, and includes civil servants, state employees, and military organizations. Being unrecognizable due to the ignorance, this monster still alive realizing the freshly updated Nazis' strategies, using the same operating tools. As an inherent part of this activity became an organized system of doubles, where serial criminals, in particular - mass murderers convicted with the death penalty or life imprisonment - get their employment like any other hired staff. In all cases, the imprisoned individuals from yesterday are employed as hired employees, military mercenaries, or false hereditary monarchs, executing major tasks to replace the official legitimate state, monarchical, or corporate power after the murder of the legitimate ones.
If we discover deeper details to compare the modern corporate and state government world of the US, we will find so many precisely matching details, making reasonable to ask questions: so, who actually was prosecuted during the Nüremberg trials, and who did actually commit these awful monstrous serial mass murders during the WWII, and why there are so many common traits sufficient to note the one whole series of crimes between the genocide of Armenians, WWI, the Red Terror, WWII, and, finally, the current Ukrainian conflict. By studying the applied twin phenomena used by the US in its corporate and military approach, we can shed light on the key question of WHY the murders in the death camps were committed. The exact answer to the main question that has remained unresolved for decades, even by the pompous Nuremberg Trials: WHO really committed these serial mass murders can only be given when the motive is investigated.
I believe that this story is too complicated to be told in a single article, as long as the context requires a well-prepared audience to understand it. Discover the entire investigation, which was the basis for BOOST's Nüremberg Ring project with the underlying criminal cases, by following the hashtag #whoframedblackrabbit. To track the publications regarding the doubles, use the hashtag #battleonthekrupskayabulge. Learn about #fakehares, which are copies of murdered hereditary monarchs, to help you stay focused on the regicide crimes that are dynastically explained.
Written by Meggi Göring.
All rights reserved. 2023. Copyright by the BOOST.
🎥BOOST. Global alternative investments firm. AUM $32.795T (31.12.2022, US GAAP). Founded in Russia, in 2014. CEO, owner, founder is Meggi Göring, great-granddaughter of Hermann Göring (née Anna Tolstaya, by passport Anna Maria Serafima Raevskaya-Repnina).
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- Townsend, G. C., Pinkerton, S. K., Rogers, J. R., Bockmann, M. R., & Hughes, T. E. (2015). A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE. In Twin Studies: Research in Genes, Teeth and Faces (pp. 35–61). University of Adelaide Press. http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.20851/j.ctt1t3057n.10
- Koenig, R. (2000). Reopening the Darkest Chapter in German Science. Science, 288(5471), 1576–1577. http://www.jstor.org/stable/3075457.