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Russian-Korean relations

On the 7th of July in 2004 marked 120 years since estiblishment official diplomatic relations between Russian Empire and Kingdom of Korea.

In 2002 Russian Federation opened embassy in Seul. The first leader was Gleb Iveshenzov. The leader now is Kulik Andrey Borisovich.

In the beggining, Russia differed from other developed countries and did not want to estiblish relations with Korea. Things changed in the middle of 19 century. Russia had to control new territories in the Far East, so relations with the nearest country there became necessary. During that time Japan tried to conquer some Korean territories. Gorchakov wrote about this situation: "we can't support Japan in their military minds and we are against Japanese government there". Russia decided just to wait.

In 1876 Korea and Japan signed agreement about colonisation of Korean paninsula by Japan. After that Korea began diplomatic relations with the USA in 1882, with England and Germany in 1883. Therefore, it was unfair and broke rights and independance of Korea. Now developed countries had influence in Korea and Russia decided to stop "waiting" policy there. This is how diplomatic relations between Russia and Kingdom of Korea began.

In 1910 Russia and Japan signed the secret agreement that Russia would not interfere in Japanese collonisation of Korea. 40 years later Korean people decicded to fight for their freedom and independance. In August 1945 Soviet Army hepled Korea to become free. After 1945 on the Korean peninsula two new countries were created - the South and the North Korea.

When the South and the North Korea separated, Russia tried to provide security on Korean paninsula and to stop the war there.

Modern Russia estiblished diplomatic relations with the South Korean Respublic on the 30th of September in 1990. For a long time, there were economical relations. Russia imported cars and other goods from the South Korea. Also there was visa-free regime. Countries conducted joint military exercises. K-pop groups like EXO, BTS, BLOCK B, STRAY KIDS and others performed in Russia with concerts. The South Korean representativies visited the Easten Economic Forum and other diplomatic meetings. Situation changed after begining Specail Military Operation in Ukraine. South Korea supports western views and it is the reason of difficulteis in diplomatic relations with Russia. In June of present year country stated next: "we are planning to effort for stabilisation relations with Russia and continue diplomacy about main questions. Also, we are going to help Kiev and support sanctions against Russia" end of qoute (конец цитаты). It is complicated to give a guarantee about future of Russian-Korean relations but it is still one of the tasks of modern Russian diplomacy.

Источник: torkunov.mgimo.ru "Россия - Корея: взгляд из прошлого в настоящее"