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TOP NEWS Agricultural Commodities

TOP NEWS Agricultural Commodities

> COLUMN-USDA outlooks offer little for corn, soy bulls as US supplies build -Braun

> China books 1 million metric tons of US soybeans in wave of buying

> Argentine farmers could plant more land with soybeans after rains, exchange says

> Conab raises Brazil 2023/24 soy forecast despite erratic weather

> COLUMN-US crop yields battle Brazil weather story; 2024 US crops loom -Braun

> GRAINS-Soybeans face first weekly drop in five on US crop outlook

> Ukraine: Alternative Black Sea export corridor is working despite attack

> El Nino conditions to continue through Northern Hemisphere spring 2024 - US

> Kenyan reforms to help coffee farmers face first hurdle

> India's soymeal exports seen picking up as global prices rally

> Hong Kong culls 5,600 pigs after African swine fever found

> SOFTS-London cocoa settles at record high, coffee also climbs

> VEGOILS-Palm oil declines on subdued China data, MPOB report awaited