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Extreme sports

Do you like extreme and extreme sports? Do you enjoy being in risky situations when one silly mistake can cost you a life? Never before have I thought about it but now after reading an impressive blog about doctors who take a very dangerous work on. They help injured people who decided to take a trip to the top.But today I want to tell you about something more interesting. And the topic itself is extreme sports.

First I want to start with mountain climbing. It is one of the most widely-spread types of extreme sports. Do you know how beautiful mountains actually are? They are just beaing caight up in beauty and magnificence of snowy and icy peaks. To conquer the mountain you need to be specially prepared and trained. Without it you can get huge problems with health. Do you know that the higher you get, the stronger is atmospheric pressure. It involves headaches and troubles with breasing. It means that you just won't have enough oxygen to keep going. Also you will have to haul a giant rucksack with supplies, like food and hot drinks. But also you would better get to know about how to install a tent. You will physically need long halts to check your breath and recharge your body battery.

But when you finally reach the peak you will defifnitely understand that it was worh it! All those mountains which are covered in snow and ice, all those views can make the time to stop for you. Crouch down and take the reast because you will also need to get down from the mountain.

There is also one extreme sport which I would like to mention. It's diving! Do you know about the thalassophobia? It's a strong fear of deep bottoms in oceans. Well, I have this one, so even if I had a strong passionate desire to dive in with scuba I would never give it go.

In this type of sport you are supposed to dive to great depths of the sea. In contrast to common diving with mask plunging with scuba is the great deal more intriguing and along with this unbelievably dangerous. By the way this is why it is actually considered an extreme one.

After plunging for a long time don't ascend too fast ,unless the air pressure in your lungs will grow up harming your health. If it happens there is a small probability that you can get a Decompression sickness. In lungs of sufferer air turnes into bubbles. The consiquences are terrifying! However, you can get some special guides how to use your scuba to stay safe and sound.

When you get lower to the bottom you can see some incredible views on coral reefs. Also you can see tropical fishes drifting close to your face and arms. But don't touch them all. In pufferfish's body there is enough poison to kill you.

As a conclusion I would like to say that it is extremely dangerous. But in spite of all these hardships it would be one of the most unforgettable experiences of your entire life! Oh yes, I almost forgot to add one small but important thing. Beware of sharks!
