Аналогом ГОСТа для DIN 127V является стандарт ГОСТ 6402-70. Оба стандарта устанавливают требования к пружинным шайбам блокирующим типа, которые предназначены для предотвращения самораскручивания накручивающихся деталей, таких как гайки и винты.
Both DIN 127V and GOST 6402-70 establish requirements for spring lock washers, which are designed to prevent self-loosening of threaded fasteners such as nuts and bolts. These washers have a split or bent design that creates a spring-like tension, providing extra resistance against rotational movement. The main purpose of these washers is to increase the friction between the fastener and the mating surface, helping to maintain the tightness of the joint.
Both standards specify the dimensions, material requirements, and testing methods for these lock washers. However, there might be some differences in terms of specific requirements and tolerances, as each standard is developed by a different organization (DIN in Germany and GOST in Russia).
It is important to note that while GOST 6402-70 is the closest analog to DIN 127V in terms of technical specifications, there may still be slight variations between the two standards. Therefore, it is recommended to refer to the actual standards or consult with an expert to ensure compatibility and compliance with specific project requirements.