Всем привет, предлагаю сегодня обсудить 7 идиом, с помощью которых можно описать чувства к другом человеку.
1. To fall in love - влюбиться. Думаю многие знают это выражение, но есть еще обратное To fall out of love - разлюбить.
Tom says that he's too busy to fall in love.
I just told them it was time for them to fall out of love with me.
2. To be head over heels in love - влюбиться по уши
I played along, and I pretended to be head over heels in love with her.
3. To be blinded by love - ослепнуть от любви
Do not allow yourself to be blinded by love
4. To have the hots for someone - считать кого-то очень привлекательным
She's got the hots for her new co-worker.
5. Have a crush on somebody – неровно дышать к кому-либо; иметь чувства к кому-либо
She has a crush on one of her teachers at school.
6. Love at first sight - любовь с первого взгляда
When I met my wife, it was love at first sight.
7. A match made in heaven - Брак, заключенный на небесах
Mike and Timothy are a match made in heaven! I can't think of two people better suited to marry one another.
That's all for today. Thank you for reading. Put likes if you liked it,