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Мария Шарапова

Nature park "Alania"

The National Park of the Republic of North Ossetia, "Alania", is located on the northern sidr of the Central Caucasus mountains. The protected natural area was established in 1998 to protect the local flora and fauna, as well as to create a comfortable tourist environment. The park has got plenty of mountains, valleys, lakes and wonderful landscapes.

A small area of 55 thousand hectares is home to 34 species of mammals, including: East Caucasian tur, roe deer, yaks, foxes. The park is home to 116 species of birds, but some of them are migratory( перелетные). 25 species of animals of the Alania Park are listed in the Red Book of Russia: peregrine falcon(сапсан), steppe eagle, Caucasian otter, Caucasian forest cat and others.


More than 60% of the national park consists of forests. There are more than 50 types of medicinal herbs( лекарственные травы )in the park.

The minimum height of the territory is 1100 meters above sea level. The highest point is Mount Wilpata (4646 meters above sea level)


The main attraction of the National Park "Alanya" is the amazing nature. There are mineral springs, waterfalls, alpine( высокогорные)lakes and even swamps(болота). Going on a hike through the territory, you should visit the iconic natural objects:

•Fasnal pine forest. The forest is located on a steep mountain slope. The highest point of pine growth is 1668 meters.

•Donisar Lake. It is located on the high of 3 thousand meters, is named after the canyon in which it is located.

•Mountain waterfalls. The most popular waterfalls in the park "Alanya": Galdoridon (5 steps, height — 35 meters), Taymazi, Soldier.


Camp sites have been created in the park. Tourists can choose any kind of passing : alpinism, horseback riding, walking, rafting.