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Detailed Action Plan

After identifying the main problem that was affecting the restaurant, there was an urgent need to come up with a detailed plan to deal with the challenge that was identified. The bar, which was a very important component of the restaurant, was not making money. Therefore, specific measures had to be taken to ensure that this problem was dealt with accordingly. A total of five milestones that were devised to help in improving the challenge have been discussed below. Research has been conducted at take my exams.

Transitioning bartenders into other roles

The first change that will be effected in the restaurant to deal with the problem that was underlying is to conduct changes in the staffing. The main measure that will be taken is to transition bartenders into other roles in the organization. This initiative will result in the reduction of the members of staff in the restaurant which will help in reducing the wage bill. Initially, when examining the different departments in the restaurant, it was discovered that the bar was not sufficient. Although this component had employees with separate roles, the income that was obtained from this section was contributing to covering the costs incurred. Transitioning bartenders into other roles will also result in the reduction of the members of the staff working in the restaurants. This will optimization of the employees that available in the restaurant. In addition, it will allow employees to be in a position to use upsell and cross-sell strategies on customers that come to the restaurant.

Training the employees to use upsell and cross-sell

Once the employees working in the restaurant have been transitioned into other roles, the next initiative will be to work on the remaining to ensure that they improve their customer service skills. Precisely, the employees will be trained on how to use the upsell and the cross-sell techniques. The members of the staff will be taught on how to discuss why some of the drinks sold in the restaurant are worth the price. This will have a huge impact on the sale of the drinks in the restaurant since, although a customer may be interested in buying something else, the bartenders or the servers can convince them to buy something else. According to reflective essay writing services in most cases, the customers are not aware of the variety of drinks offered in a restaurant. However, the employees can play a very essential in informing the customers on the varieties offered in the restaurant through the use of upsell and cross-sell strategies.

Introducing a variety of drinks in the restaurant

After transitioning employees into other roles and equipping them with skills that are essential in promoting their ability to offer services to customers, the next initiative will be to ensure that the restaurant is equipped with a variety of drinks. It would be impossible for the bartenders to make use of the upsell and the cross-sell strategies if there are no drinks to sell. Therefore, the next initiative will be to ensure that the restaurant is equipped with a variety of drinks. However, since this initiative may be inhibited by the availability of funds, the implementation will be effected in stages where new drinks will be introduced successively. Under this step, the employees and the customers will also be given opportunities to give suggestions on the drinks. Since the bartenders and the servers interact directly with customers, they will be placed at a good position in coming up with suggestions on the drinks to be introduced based on the preferences of the customers.

Coming up with happy hour strategies

The next initiative will be to come up with strategies to help in capturing and retaining the customers. One of the measures that will be effected on specific days of the week is to introduce happy hours where additional drinks will be served to customers. The use of happy hours is one of the marketing strategies that work best for the customers especially among young people aged 18-30 years. The strategy that has been proposed for use is 2+1 drinks during the weekends. However, the strategies employed will be varied based on how the customers respond to them, and the result obtained. This will not only help in increasing the sales but it will increase the preference of the customers in relation to our restaurant. It will give the customers the impression that the restaurant is not interested in making profit from the customers but also in ensuring that they obtain value from the services offered.

Using mixology and other innovations such as bar theatrics

The last strategy that has been proposed is the integration of innovative practices such as mixology and bar theatrics in the restaurant. People want to see innovation and expertise in everything especially when their money is at stake. Therefore, the bartenders will have to master the skills required to prepare drinks with flair and using new techniques. The restaurant will also appoint a mixologist who will be in charge of coming up and preparing a variety of drinks. These measures will help in promoting customer satisfaction improving the experience derived from the services offered in the restaurant.

Therefore, the five initiatives that have been discussed comprise of the measures that will help to deal with the inability of the bar to make profit. Having discussed these measures, the next section will comprise of the conclusion part where a brief overview of the issues discussed in this paper will be highlighted. Additionally, you can also obtain insight into how you can come up with various papers including an essay on why I want to be a nurse.