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Урок английского языка на тему: English brands and their history


Добро пожаловать на урок, посвященный актуальной теме — брендам из Великобритании! Англия — это не только страна Большого Бена и красных автобусов, но и родина многих мировых брендов, которые завоевали любовь и признание во всем мире.

На сегодняшнем уроке мы:

  • Изучим текст, в котором рассказывается об истории и особенностях известных английских брендов.
  • Расширим словарный запас благодаря специально подготовленному словарику к тексту.
  • Проверим понимание прочитанного материала, ответив на вопросы к тексту.
  • Применим свои знания в упражнении на соответствие, где нужно будет соединить слова.
  • И, наконец, разыграем свою креативность, придумав свой собственный бренд и описав его.
Урок призван расширить культурные горизонты учащихся, погрузив их в историю и особенности мировых брендов. Вместо классического изучения новой грамматики или словарного запаса, на этом уроке акцент сделан на познавательный и творческий аспекты. Это отличная возможность совместить изучение языка с интересными историческими и культурными фактами, а также развить творческие способности учеников.

Готовы погрузиться в мир английских брендов? Тогда приступим!

Этот текст введет учеников в контекст урока, подготовит их к теме и заданиям, а также вызовет интерес к предстоящему материалу.

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The United Kingdom is renowned for its long-standing traditions in many areas, and brands are no exception. Some have been around for centuries, standing as symbols of British quality and style.

Burberry [ˈbɜːrbəri] is among the most recognizable global brands. Founded in 1856 by Thomas Burberry in Basingstoke, it started as a store for outdoor wear. The protective cloth, gabardine, designed by Burberry, was an innovation of its time. This waterproof yet breathable fabric was revolutionary and became the foundation of the Burberry empire.

Rolls-Royce [roʊlz rɔɪs] epitomizes luxury and elite status. This car brand was established in 1906 by Charles Rolls and Henry Royce. Their vehicles were renowned not just for their opulence and reliability but also for their innovative engineering. Every Rolls-Royce car was produced with an emphasis on details and outstanding quality.

Twinings [ˈtwaɪnɪŋz] is synonymous with English tea culture. Founded in 1706 by Thomas Twinings on London's Strand, Twinings has long stood as a symbol of high-quality tea, introducing numerous innovations to the world of tea.

Lush [lʌʃ] is a beloved natural cosmetics brand. Founded in 1995, Lush drew attention with its hand-made soaps and fresh cosmetics. Using only vegetarian ingredients, the company underscores its commitment to environmental responsibility.

Barbour [ˈbɑːrbər] is a famed outerwear manufacturer. Established in 1894 in South Shields, this brand became known for its waxed jackets, which quickly grew popular among fishermen, sailors, and those leading an active lifestyle.


  • brand [brænd] - бренд, марка
  • tradition [trəˈdɪʃən] - традиция
  • gabardine [ˈɡæbərdiːn] - габардин
  • luxury [ˈlʌkʃəri] - роскошь
  • renowned [rɪˈnaʊnd] - знаменитый
  • innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃən] - инновация
  • waterproof [ˈwɔːtərpruːf] - водонепроницаемый
  • epitomize [ɪˈpɪtəmaɪz] - служить примером
  • opulence [ˈɒpjʊləns] - роскошь, богатство
  • synonymous [sɪˈnɒnɪməs] - ставиться на одно и то же место, ассоциироваться
  • cosmetics [kɒzˈmɛtɪks] - косметика
  • vegetarian [ˌvɛdʒɪˈtɛriən] - вегетарианский
  • commitment [kəˈmɪtmənt] - обязательство, посвященность
  • manufacturer [ˌmænjʊˈfækʧərə] - производитель
  • waxed [wækst] - восковый
  • fishermen [ˈfɪʃərmən] - рыбаки
  • sailors [ˈseɪlərz] - моряки
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Изображение от rawpixel.com на Freepik

Questions about the text

  1. In what year was Burberry established, and what exactly is 'gabardine'?
  2. What specific attributes make Rolls-Royce cars stand out?
  3. With what product is the brand Twinings chiefly linked?
  4. What is Lush's specific approach to crafting its products?
  5. Why is Barbour clothing a favorite among individuals with active lifestyles?


With what product is the brand Twinings chiefly linked?
The brand Twinings is chiefly linked with English tea culture.

Draw a line between the brand and the product or service they are most associated with

  1. Burberry ⸺ a) Luxury cars
  2. Rolls-Royce ⸺ b) Waxed jackets
  3. Twinings ⸺ c) Tea
  4. Lush ⸺ d) Outdoor wear
  5. Barbour ⸺ e) Hand-made soaps and fresh cosmetics

The correct answers are: 1-d, 2-a, 3-c, 4-e, 5-b.

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Изображение от pikisuperstar на Freepik

Create your own brand

Imagine you're creating a new product for school or home. Think of a brand name for your product and describe it briefly.


Brand Name: Come up with a unique and catchy name that would reflect the main idea of your product.

Type of Product: What is it? A pen with special ink? A notebook with a creative design? Or maybe a new type of book cover?

Intended Audience: Who would your product be suitable for? Primary school students, high school students, or teachers?

Special Feature: What makes your product unique? Why would others want to purchase it?

Short Backstory: Imagine a story behind your product's creation. Maybe you thought of it while doing your homework or during an art class?


Brand Name: MagicPen
Type of Product: A pen that writes with rainbow-colored ink.
Intended Audience: For primary school students who love creativity and bright colors.
Special Feature: The pen changes ink color with every new word, making writings unique and colorful.
Short Backstory: The idea came to me during an art class when I was drawing a rainbow and wished my notes could be just as vibrant and colorful.

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