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Сказка на АНГЛИЙСКОМ: "The Guardians of Evil"

Author: Esteban Saviola

Читать на русском языке "Хранители ЗЛА"

Читать на испанском языке "LOS GUARDIANES DEL MAL"

Scattered across the globe lay Chinese character amulets, and those who chanced upon them assumed the role of guardians, wielding the amulet's unique powers. Each guardian could lay claim to just one amulet, but the true potency of these artifacts could only be harnessed when they united. Through this union, some guardians sought dominion, while others aspired to preserve.

Once a person discovered an amulet, they were forever changed by its influence, unable to return to their former life.


The First Chinese Character

André had longed for solitude, a respite from the clutter of other people's thoughts. Thus, during his latest vacation, he made the decision to venture alone into the untamed forests and mountains of Switzerland. Upon reaching another summit, he settled down on an outcropping of rock.


André: (sitting down) Ah, the tranquility I've been seeking.

(He wiped the fogged lenses of his glasses with his T-shirt and proceeded to open a can of fish with his trusty hiking knife. As was his custom, he tossed the knife downward, aiming to embed it into the untouched soil. However, this time, his endeavor failed as the knife emitted a metallic sound, bouncing off the surface and breaking its sharp point. André was taken aback, as his knife had been crafted from a special order of highly durable D2 steel.


Without much contemplation, André decided to dig into the grassy ground to uncover the cause of his knife's sudden deterioration. As he yanked out the grass, his fingers encountered something solid and searingly hot. After a bit of struggle, he managed to unearth a round object, which turned out to be an amulet. It featured a relatively simple figure resembling a horizontal line, emitting a glow that heated the amulet to a point where André's skin could barely withstand its temperature.

Noticing a chain attached to the amulet, André chose to wear his newfound discovery around his neck. As soon as the metal made contact with his skin, the bright sky gave way to twilight, and a soft female voice emanated from behind André.

Twilight-Xī 夕: (softly) At last, someone has found the first amulet, the medallion of solitude - yī 一.

André: (puzzled) What do you mean?

Twilight-Xī 夕: You have become the guardian of the power of the first amulet, specifically, the symbol of solitude - yī. And now, the beginning of everything rests upon your shoulders.

André: (skeptical) What if I don't want to be a guardian?

Twilight-Xī 夕: If you remove the amulet, you will vanish. Its power will reduce you to nothingness.

André: Alright, and what power does it possess? (continuing to question incredulously)

Twilight-Xī 夕: You can initiate anything you desire.

André: And who are you?

Twilight-Xī 夕: I am Twilight-Xī 夕, the keeper of the "Twilight" amulet. It is thanks to me that day turns into night. I ensure that night falls upon Earth, cooling our planet and preventing it from overheating.


André: (curious) So, what exactly am I supposed to do, and how do I safeguard the amulet?

Twilight-Xī 夕: Guardians must unite with each other to watch over the Earth's various forces. The guardian of solitude-yī 一 must join with the guardian of twilight-xī 夕.

André: (pondering) Alright, if we unite, what power will we be able to control?

Twilight-Xī 夕: Oh dear. Our alliance will be responsible for one of the most vital forces on Earth, which has long been without a master. Uncontrolled evil brings about all sorts of misfortune. If you, the Lonely-Yī 一, unite with me, Twilight-Xī 夕, we can control all the evil 歹 on our planet.


André: (hesitant) No, I don't want to do that.

Twilight-Xī 夕: (solemnly) It is your destiny. You must do it. Otherwise, masterless Evil-Dǎi歹 will infiltrate every home and enslave our world without restraint.

André: (concerned) But that's an immense responsibility.

Twilight-Xī 夕: (reassuringly) Fear not, I will teach you everything. Give me your hand.


(André succumbed to her words, extending his hand to Twilight-Xī 夕. At that moment, a moonbeam blinded him, and he failed to notice shackles materializing around his neck, binding him to the woman's hand.)

André: (realizing) You deceived me!

Twilight-Xī 夕: (calmly) Only in that I alone will be the mistress of Evil-Dǎi歹. 'Never trust your eyes and ears in the night!

(With that, she tugged André, now transformed into the Lonely-Yī 一, along with her.)

André: (struggling against the shackles) Where are you taking me?

Twilight-Xī 夕: (determined) Let's go. We must find the guardian of the dagger-bǐ 匕.

André: (bewildered) What for?

Twilight-Xī 夕: (cryptic) You will find out.

(She forcefully pulled the chain, causing the metal around André's neck to cut his skin, leaving a scarlet mark against the backdrop of the twilight landscape.)


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Why do you believe Twilight-Xī 夕 requires the guardian of the dagger-bǐ 匕? Feel free to share your interpretation in the comments.

Читать на русском языке "Хранители ЗЛА"

Читать на испанском языке "LOS GUARDIANES DEL MAL"
