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Немецкий журнал в Скопус, четвертый квартиль (этика и право), Ethik in der Medizin

Уважаемые коллеги, доброго времени суток! Представляем вам немецкое научное издание Ethik in der Medizin. Журнал имеет четвертый квартиль, издается в Springer Verlag, его SJR за 2022 г. равен 0,186, пятилетний импакт-фактор 0,6, печатный ISSN - 0935-7335, электронный - 1437-1618, предметные области - Этика и право, Философия, Политика в области здравоохранения, Здравоохранение (социальные науки). Вот так выглядит обложка:

Редактором является Ральф Йокс, контактные данные - Ralf.jox@chuv.ch.


Дополнительные публикационные контакты - info@aem-online.de, Andrea.Kaehling@medizin.uni-goettingen.de, angelika.haeseler@springer.com, journalpermissions@springernature.com, sabine.mohr@springer.com.

В журнале публикуются статьи авторов из области медицины и сестринского дела, философии, теологии, права, а также естественных и социальных наук. Публикуются оригинальные и обзорные статьи, примеры из практики и комментарии, актуальная информация и дебаты, а также обзоры. Язык публикации немецкий.

Адрес издания - https://www.springer.com/journal/481

Пример статьи, название - Shared decision-making, quality of life, and the child’s best interest: ethical challenges in decision-making in preterm infants at the limit of viability. Заголовок (Abstract)

Background The concept of a grey zone indicates a gestational age range in extremely premature infants where, from a medical point of view, the prognosis is highly uncertain such that, from an ethical point of view, both palliative as well as curative care could be justified. Hence, it is generally recommended to implement a model of shared decision-making (SDM), which should be based on the best interest of the newborn and the preferences of the parents. However, there is no consensus on how to implement these requirements.

Arguments Empirical studies suggest that parents and pregnant women have differing preferences regarding their degree and type of involvement in decision-making. These preferences should be explored and respected—an ethical requirement that can best be realized within a model of SDM. As the empirical studies on the quality of life of former premature infants show, there are hardly any reliable criteria available for determining the best interests of the newborn in the grey zone, apart from the preferences of the parents.

Conclusion Although, further research is needed on the structuring and implementation of SDM in extremely premature infants as well as their prospective quality of life, we argue that the available empirical results and ethical considerations suggest that SDM should be regarded as the preferable model for decision-making in the prognostic grey zone. We defend a model of SDM that focuses on the parents’ and pregnant women’s preferences regarding their degree and type of involvement in decision-making as well as on supporting them in the deliberation and definition of their own preferences and values concerning clinical options.

Keywords Shared decision-making · Neonatology · Extremely premature infants · Quality of life · Prognostic grey zone