Ребята, сегодня я дарю вам супер-подарок!
Мы с командой Chicken or Fish педагогов собрали для вас список вопросов, которые попадались нашим студентам на финальном этапе кастинга в Emirates👇
Сохраняй себе:
1. Can you walk us through your CV and highlight your most relevant experiences for this position (cabin crew) at Emirates Airlines?
2. What motivated you to apply for a position (cabin crew) at Emirates Airlines?
3. How would you describe your key strengths and how do they align with the requirements of the position?
4. Could you share an example of a challenging situation you faced in a previous/former job and how you handled it?
5. In your previous roles/positions/at jobs, what contributions did you make that had a significant impact on the organization
6. How do you stay updated on the latest developments in the aviation industry
7. Tell us about a time when you had to work effectively as part of a team to achieve a common goal.
8. How do you handle stressful situations in a fast-paced and dynamic environment, which is common in the aviation industry?
9. Emirates Airlines values customer service highly. Can you share a situation where you provided exceptional customer service to resolve an issue?
10. How do you handle challenges and changes in your daily work routine?
11. What steps do you take to ensure accuracy and attention to detail in your work?
12. How do you prioritize tasks and manage your time efficiently?
13. Emirates Airlines is known for its commitment to safety. How do you demonstrate a safety-first attitude in your work?
14. How do you handle feedback and use it to improve your performance?
15. Can you give an example of a time when you demonstrated leadership skills or took initiative in a project or task?
16. How do you handle situations where you have to work with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds?
17. Emirates Airlines values innovation. Can you share an example of a creative solution you proposed to a problem
18. What interests you the most about working with Emirates Airlines, and how do you see yourself contributing to the company's success?
Как вам вопросы?! Сложные?
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Запись на курсы английского для подготовки к собеседованию в авиакомпанию👇
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