It's 8 a.m. on a cold morning in the suburbs of Helsinki and these primary school children are getting ready for class. This morning's lesson is ancient history - they are reading texts about Egyptian ancient life. I will ask them what they found out from the book. I think we are all ready now.
This is a school system that has been among the world's best for years. However, these kids will spend half as much time in a classroom as Australian children. When you go to the first grade at seven years old, the minimum amount of hours is 20 hours a week. It increases as you get older, but it's still less than many countries in Europe or the world. In Finland, individual teachers decide how the curriculum is taught, including the use of technology in the classrooms.
Eleven-year-old Mintu Latomaki asks to leave class to work at the school's student-run cafe.
In Finland, school lunches, books, and excursions are free. The kids select their meals, sit down with their friends and teachers to eat, and then clean up after themselves. After eating, the children rug up again to play outside. Some play soccer, some play basketball, while others wait for the hockey rink to open. There are plenty of options for bad weather days too. The school facilities are amazing, with an ice skating rink outside, a ping pong table, a pool table, a room full of bean bags and couches, and even a PlayStation.
It might seem like this school has more money than other schools, but that's not the case. All schools in Finland are equitably funded through taxation, and schools are not allowed to raise private funds or charge fees from parents. The finance system aims to make education equal and provide equal opportunities for all students.
Levi, an older brother in year seven, has a math class in the afternoon. There are regular exams in Finland, but the results are not published or shared to compare schools. The focus is on personal evaluation.
The standard of teaching is a significant difference in Finnish education. Teachers must have a master's degree to teach. Becoming a teacher is highly sought after, and admission to teaching studies at the university is competitive. In Finland, there is trust in teachers' expertise, and there is little interference in their work.
In Finland, there is little anxiety about finding the right school for your child. There is trust in the education system and the schools it provides. Finland's success in education can offer some lessons for other countries, including Australia. Building a system that trusts its people and investing in teachers would be a good starting point. In Finland, teachers are respected by society and parents, and their expertise is not questioned.
1. What is the topic of the morning's lesson for these primary school children?
A) Finnish culture
B) Ancient history - Egyptian life
C) Mathematics
D) Technology in classrooms
2. How many hours per week do Finnish children in first grade spend in the classroom?
A) 10 hours
B) 20 hours
C) 30 hours
D) 40 hours
3. Who decides how the curriculum is taught in Finland?
A) The government
B) Individual teachers
C) School principals
D) Parents
4. What extracurricular activity does Mintu Latomaki participate in?
A) Student-run cafe
B) Soccer
C) Basketball
D) Ice skating
5. In Finland, are school lunches, books, and excursions free?
A) Yes
B) No
6. How are schools in Finland funded?
A) Through private donations
B) Through taxes
C) Through fundraising
D) By charging fees to parents
7. Does Finland publish and share the results of exams to compare schools?
A) Yes
B) No
8. What is a significant difference in Finnish education?
A) The high number of exams
B) The focus on personal evaluation
C) The extensive use of technology in classrooms
D) The interference in teachers' work by the government
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