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Fixed Phrases With The Verb To Make

to make a call - позвонить, сделать звонок
He forgot his phone at home, so he asked if he could borrow mine to make a call.

to make one’s bed - заправить кровать
Even when I'm in a hurry, I try to make my bed to maintain a sense of order.

to make up one’s mind - решиться, принять решение, определиться
Right then and there, I made up my mind that I would become a police officer when I grew up.

Are you coming or not? Make up your mind!

to make sense - иметь смысл; быть понятным, логичным
The instructions in the manual were so confusing that they didn't make sense at all.

to make sure - убедиться
She took a second look at the recipe to make sure she had all the necessary ingredients.

to make a difference - изменить, повлиять (в положительном ключе)
Supporting renewable energy sources can make a significant difference in reducing carbon emissions.

to make an appointment - записаться на приём
I tried to make an appointment with the lawyer, but his schedule was fully booked.

to make arrangements - договориться, условиться, сделать необходимые приготовления
I need to make arrangements for my upcoming business trip.

to make a point - высказать мнение, донести мысль
The politician used statistics and data to make a point about the need for healthcare reform.

to make a fortune - сколотить состояние, разбогатеть
Through years of hard work and dedication, she managed to make a fortune as a successful author.

to make a face - гримасничать, корчить лицо
Young lady, don't you make a face at me! You will eat your broccoli or you won't have any dessert.
When I told him my mother was coming over for dinner, John just made a face and went to his room.

to make a scene - устраивать, закатывать сцену кому-л.
The customer was dissatisfied with the service and started to make a scene at the restaurant.

to make a discovery - совершить открытие
After hours of research, the archaeologist finally made a discovery that shed light on the ancient civilization.

to make a commitment - взять на себя обязательство
The organization made a commitment to supporting local charities through regular donations.

to make a contribution to ... - внести вклад/свою лепту в ...
Nikola Tesla made a significant contribution to the advancement of science and technology.

to make a comparison between - проводить сравнение между
The teacher asked the students to make a comparison between the characters in the novels they were reading.

to make an excuse - придумать оправдание
She tried to make an excuse for being late, but it was clear she had overslept.

to make a confession - признаться в чём-л.
She hesitated but eventually made a confession to her parents about the accident.

to make an attempt - сделать попытку, попытаться
After failing the first time, he was determined to make another attempt at passing the exam.

to make an impression on ... - произвести впечатление на ...
Her exceptional performance on stage made a lasting impression on the audience.

to make an announcement - сделать объявление
The school principal gathered all students in the assembly hall to make an important announcement.

to make room for ... - освободить место для кого-л.
The city council approved the demolition of an old building to make room for a new park.