Эти подсказки помогут вашему бизнесу и сберегут драгоценное время.
1. Резюмировать текст
Prompt: You are a copywriter, summarize the text below and give me a list of bullet points with key insights and the most important facts [your text].
2. Создать курс
Prompt: Develop a [course name] course for me, from basic to advanced. I need you to be my master, act as a PhD professor in [course area], be professional, and if possible, provide long and detailed answers without losing quality.
3. Работающие скрипты продаж
Prompt: Generate a high-impact sales script for [PRODUCT] or [SERVICE] targeting [TARGET AUDIENCE] in [GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION], focusing on the unique features and benefits that will appeal to them.
4. Переформулировка записей в блоге
Prompt: Repurpose the blog post on the topic of [topic] for [target audience]. Use [language] and [formatting] to make the post more relevant and engaging for the new audience. The blog post is: [enter blog post]
5. Высококонверсионный лендинг
Prompt: Please provide suggestions for a high-converting landing page tailored to my [TARGET AUDIENCE] for my [PRODUCT CATEGORY] product, including design ideas, SEO-friendly headlines, subheadings, and persuasive copy that addresses potential objections.
Больше интересного контента в телеграм-канале Neurohub.